Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Loft

And the winner for the worst acted, scripted, and written movie goes to......The Loft!  Congratulations, you managed to take some "good" actors and give them some of the cheesiest lines and horrible character traits I have ever seen, and I loved every minute of it!  This heart warming tale puts 5 married friends in a situation where they all get a key to a secret loft.  This is their getaway escape to bang other women, get wasted, do drugs, whatever as long as they follow certain rules.  Well one morning they find a dead chick handcuffed to the bed post and the suspense begins to circle around a "Who Done It" scenario.  Sounds like the making of a great movie, right?  It should have been and could have been but there were some major flaws that I will happily point out for you.  The Upside:  Good story, although its been done before, I liked it and the way they threw around the vastly different characters and their wives keeps you guessing.  The downside:  You would think that this movie would be filled with nudity, guilty pleasures, and some hard core partying-it doesnt.  The rules I mentioned they have to follow, are never told.  The acting if you can call it that, was some of the worst I have seen.  Karl Urban who played Bones in the new Star Trek movies was basically the same exaggerated over actor he is in Star Trek.  Cam from Modern Family is in it with some funny lines but wow, he really sucked up the scenes.  The wives were all pretty bad as well but I didnt expect too much.  All in all, I really enjoyed this film even after the end when I laughed at how bad  it was.  Dont spend any money on it unless its $1 at Redbox.

FYI:  This is a remake of the original Loft made in 2008.  Apparently it is much better.


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