Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Gambler

When your at the tables in Vegas, and your up around $200k, first rule-STOP GAMBLING!  When you owe over $200k to bookies and your at the tables in Vegas, first rule-STOP GAMBLING!  This is a true tutorial of what not to do if you are a gambling addict.  It follows a college professor, who seems to be one of the worst in history, and exposes his gambling habit.  This comes around, of course, to bite him in the ass.  He is left with only one choice and he decides to let it ride once again!  Not to be confused with Rounders, which is an awesome movie, this one is just as good.  I don't understand the terrible reviews but Marky Mark just can catch a break with most of his movie choices.  On the other hand, he smashes box office profits with just being the star of the show.  How cool is Wahlberg?  Very!  Plus you get to see a half naked, fat, bald, pasty white John Goodman sweating in the sauna for a lot of the movie.  Throw in a filthy rich, drunk Jessica Lang and you have a worthy film.  I loved this movie, even though its a remake it gets deep and shows human character at one of the all to common depths of us all.  This guy falls deep into his own destruction and has the sense that he would rather be dead than just being mediocre and not having a purpose in life.  I would put this movie high on my list as ones to watch immediately, and when you do, hit the tables!

FYI:  Wahlberg lost 61 Lbs for this movie and said he would never do it again.  Actors, how easy it is to get in shape (Que the personal trainers and unlimited amounts of money).


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