Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Captive

Ah, the good ole human trafficking rings are at it again!  Who is it that actually takes part in these?  Well, apparently its a lot of people with better technology, more secret than the KGB, and has more intelligence than the CIA.  These sickos have methodical plans to kidnap and use that is disturbing at the least.  This movie jumps around the entire time with flash-backs and flash-forwards that will get you a little confused until the very end, but well worth it.  Ryan Reynolds is a husband and father who is taking his 9 year old girl home from ice skating.  He stops off for a Pie at a local truck stop only to come back out 5 minutes later finding that his daughter is missing.  The movie surrounds three different parties, the kidnappers, the family, and the cops.  All have their own stories and skeletons that come to fruition throughout.  It makes you think as a parent how you would react if your child was taken and how involved you can be to find them.  The story was not really all that original but the way it was put together was excellent.  It will also give a guide of what not to do with your kid when you go into the store, (the answer is leave them in the damn car)!  This is a great movie that was highly underrated and is a must see.  

FYI:  Canadians are really messed up in the head!


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