Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Most Violent Year

Here is the breakdown of this film:  It's the 1980's.  Boring guy has a business he is trying to expand in NYC.  Nothing happens.  This over-hyped snooze fest is misleading in so many ways.  Nothing happens.  It is supposed to be filled with suspense, morals and business ethics surrounding a man and his family.  Did I mention nothing happens?  Seriously, the movie follows a guy who has a successful oil and fuel distribution company and someone is stealing his trucks and selling the oil to one of his competitors.  Its based in New York during a year in the 80's that was apparently one of the most crime ridden times in history.  What do we get for it, a slow, action absent, boring movie.  The only bit of life in the entire film is when the main dude has to chase down a thief but then just lets him go.  Now I can handle movies that are more dialogue and no pace, but there was no resolution, even when he finds out who has been stealing from him.  It was dull, slow and one more thing, nothing happens.  I think Albert Brooks is the best part of the movie but even he couldn't save it.  I would not recommend this film, even with Jessica Chastain, its still a pass.

FYI:  Nothing Happens


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