Tuesday, April 7, 2015


You know that creepy guy that always hangs around?  It's the one who isint really friends with any of the group but just kind of shows up everywhere.  He is the guy that always seems a little "off" and your not sure what his motives are, the guy that you know you cant trust but will put up with for a night as long as he stays in the background.  If you don't know this guy then unfortunately I have bad news for you, it you!  Creepo Gyllenhaal plays a silver tongue, self taught networking dude who is always looking for the next big score.  This usually means extremely unethical or illegal maneuvers in order to get ahead.  He finds himself in one of the most corrupt industries of all, the media.  Here is so desperate to find the top story with the biggest paycheck selling it to a local news station that he becomes a little too involved.  Good ole Jake, he doesn't disappoint very often and when he gets into his role, it comes out genius.  I would highly recommend this flick, and as the tension starts to rise, get ready for another somewhat predictable twist that shows how deep this freak will go.

FYI:  Gyllenhaal lost 20 Lbs to play this part as he wanted to look like a hungry coyote.


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