Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Poor Me!  Typical story of an over privileged Olympic athlete who gets everything and flushes it down the toilet.  This sad sack up and joins the military, gets shot down and manages to get himself caught by the Japs!  All of this after loosing in the Olympic distance race.  What a looser!  Throughout the movie he lands in the middle of the ocean without a responsibility in the world and all the sushi he can eat.  The cry baby in his raft dies, so there is one less problem he has to deal with.  Then after getting rescued by the Japanese soldiers, gets set up in a resort like prison doing minimal chores complete with clothing and friends.  I don't think he should have complained much, he basically had a personal trainer while serving his time at the ranch.  So why is this movie worthy you ask?  Well, put Mrs. Pitt behind the camera and anything is possible.  In all reality this movie was amazing!  It was over hyped, so initially i thought it was going to suck but it had me from the beginning and what a story of perseverance.  Highly recommended and if you watch American Horror Story, watch out for Dandy in the raft, he is a real treat!

FYI:  "The Bird" who is the main Japanese bad guy is actually a famous Japanese rock star.


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