Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Good Lie

Ever seen a grown man cry at a movie?  Well its a good thing you didn't watch it with me cause I cried like a baby.  Just kidding, I never cry.  Yes I did.  Typical story of some whiny Africans, who have to walk for a while as kids.  Boo-hoo!  Poor me, I have to escape the dangers of rebel forces in Sudan who just killed my parents and tried to capture, and force me into the military.  Poor me, I have to try to avoid lions in order to walk 1000 miles to a refugee camp for safety with my 6 year old brother riding on my back.  Poor me, I dont even have any shoes.  Try living in America, where we have to sometimes wait up to 20 minutes for a latte at Starbucks!!!!  Truthfully, our first world problems aren't even in the same universe as these poor souls who literally go through hell just to be able to sleep on a dirt floor with rationed food until they get picked in a lottery to come to America.  If they finally get here they are thrown into a society who doesn't want them here, given technology they have no idea how to use, and given the hope they will live the American dream, only to find that it is near impossible to even reach a job outside of grocery store bagging.  Sad story using real life refugees who are able to escape the depths of non human conditions in order to get to the US.  Excellent movie that was extremely underrated and not very well advertised.  After watching this movie you want to go up to anyone who bitches about America and punch them in the face.  Reece Witherspoon is pretty insignificant in this movie where any actress could have played her part, but the real life character went above and beyond what most would have done in her situation.  This is a definite movie everyone should watch, just make sure you have a hefty supply of tissue before pushing play. 

FYI:  Most of the "Lost Boys" who are refugees from Africa are given a birthday of Jan 1st as they don't know when the actual date is.


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