Monday, April 6, 2015

St. Vincent

Speaking of dead beats, here we have the movie St. Vincent.  We all know Murray, and that he is an icon, great actor and puts out some really funny stuff.  Well this may his best since Caddyshack!  The cast of misfits is absolutely incredible with Watts, and McCarthy as perfect supporters.  Think of the inner city and you know that weird, grumpy old dude who lives next door?  The one who never takes care of his shit, has a damn cat and basically lives in the decade that just past.  Its Vinny, the Irish New Yorker with about a million skeletons in his closet who becomes an unlikely friend to the young kid who moves next door.  First off we have Vinny, alcoholic, gambling addict, broke, rude bad mouth who likes the company from a woman of the night.  Hooker in question, Watts, who nails the Russian accent and is pregnant from some unknown John.  McCarthy, victim of a cheating ex husband working her ass off and fighting for custody of her son all the while ignoring him.  The son goes to a Catholic school where his teacher who steals every scene he is in is played by Chris O'Dowd.  This is a great story about how a young kid with no real adult influences in his life learns the way of the real world in a pretty harsh way from Murray and comes to help him as much as he is helped.  It is a hilarious comedy with a touch of drama that will bring you to tears.  This is a definite watch and will get you thinking about your weird neighbor and what has happened in their life.  Dont delay on this one, its a gem!

FYI:  Watts learned her Russian accent by watching You Tube videos


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