Monday, April 6, 2015

Exodus-Gods and Kings

Classic tale of a Dead Beat Dad!  Daddy, why are you leaving us? (Says the son), Because God told me to?  Oh, that's a new one!  And I suppose I shouldn't wait at the mailbox for a child support check either!  Then I suppose you will come back years later and tell me unbelievable stories about how you parted a sea and freed Egyptian slaves.  Whatever Dad!  How about teaching me how to heard sheep or make a canteen out of a goats bladder?!?!  So you may have heard of this one before, you got this guy named Moses, he was a chief adviser and warrior for the Egyptian Pharow.  Not knowing his true origin he basked in the riches of king-hood.  His best buddy, the heir to the thrown, is a true ball buster, soon to banish his BFF after finding out he is not of royal blood.  Moses goes on to speak to God who then releases deadly plagues on the land.  After freeing thousands of slaves, he hides out in a cave to write some commandments (9 or 10, who can remember those details)?  This movie got pretty bad reviews and honestly I don't know why.  It was really good!  The effects were good and it told the Old Testament story rather well from what I remember.  Its pretty long but not to preachy so I say give it a try, or feel the wrath of giant locusts!!!

FYI:  Bale almost didn't get the part because he was still to fat from his role in American Hustle


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