Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Extremely underrated, under marketed, and under appreciated, this movie rocked!  It was a cross between Hunger Games (for guys), a futuristic prison movie, and  a way cooler version of Speed.  Chris Evans is good, but there are many other characters in this movie that almost steal the show.  Here is the premise; the year is 2031 and the entire world has become frozen eliminating all life other than the select few on this super train.  The train never stops and maintains a social structure to keep the poor in the back eating bug infested protein and the winning rich privileged in the front with all the amenities of a 5 star life.  Let the revolt begin!  These poor losers in the back of the train are sick and tired of being sick and tired and being taken advantage of by the uppity assholes up front.   They must overtake many cars in order to get to the engine, you control the engine, you control the train.  there are some really good twists and some brutal action scenes.  I have to say that I loved this movie.  It kept me interested the entire time with new twists and stories evolving around each corner.  I highly suggest renting this one, and seriously people, dont trust the Man!  Big brother is always watching!

FYI:  Many A listers auditioned for parts in this movie including Jake Gyllenhaal, and Dustin Hoffman.


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