Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Deliver us from Evil

You'll never listen to The Doors the same!  Cops, they all have a story to tell don't they?  Well apparently this film is based on true tales from a NYCPD that involves paranormal activity and possession.  I'm not buying it, but made for a really good movie.  Basically trying to be Se7en with out Brad Pitt, it takes the possession genre into the eyes of a bad ass cop.  Eric Bana is the lead and I think he may be one of the most underrated actors of our time.  He plays every role believable and can change his accent perfectly.  Now lets talk about his co-star, none other than Joel McHale!  This dude is jacked and kicks some ass in this movie.  He does a really good job as a non comedian.  The only corny part is the stupid references to The Doors music.  Creepy at times and a cool back story of the possession.  A little too dark as in you cant see much throughout the film but the characters are good.  I would give it a shot, and just remember that the horror film genre fails 80% of the time, but always worth watching.

FYI:  Mark Whalberg was offered the part but turned it down.


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