Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Drop

How cool is Tom Hardy?  As far as I'm concerned, his coolness meter is off the charts!  This movie was under-hyped, and not very well advertised which was a huge mistake.  Perfect adaption of New York City inner neighborhood with your local hole in the wall bar that is actually owned by some gangsters.  The story is these local bars are used as drop points for large amounts of cash that go to the ring leaders, and all you have to do is keep your trap shut and hand over the cash when they come in to collect.  Well this particular bar gets robbed and Hardy finds himself in the middle of the investigation not only by the cops, but the gangsters.  There is a twist that involves friends, family, and the dirt bags running the show.  Hardy is just a bar tender who doesn't go full on retard, and crushed the part.  You watch this film thinking he is a door mat, but knowing there is much more to him that what is portrayed.  James Gandolfini plays his usual heavy breathing, scum bag, but in this film he is a "has been" bad ass.  There is a lot to this movie and even though it is a little slow at times, it is all for an awesome build up for the end.  Yes, watch this movie, you will be pleasantly surprised and what a great way for Tony Soprano to go out.  The final line of the movie is enough to make you smile and think, I just watched a great flick!  

FYI:  James Gandolfini died one month after shooting wrapped for this film.


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