Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Good Neighbor

Old man Jenkins from across the street is at it again, and this time the Mystery Machine is no where to be found!  We all have that grumpy old neighbor who yells, "Get off my lawn!"  Well, next time you better think twice about giving him the stink eye because he may have more than just moth balls hiding in his closet.  This was an awesome hidden Netflix gem that I passed over a number of times before giving it a shot.  Outstanding surprise here, with a movie that should have been more than predictable but is written with some mature professionalism.  Two high school kids with a serious lack of parental monitoring decide to experiment on the old man across the street.  So with a high level of intelligence for kids, they pirate buy a bunch of mini surveillance equipment and stash it at the old mans house in an attempt to make him think his house is haunted for their "experiment".  There are many skeletons in this old dudes house and they find that they get a lot more than they bargained for.  Good movie with a cool idea to back it up.  Give it a shot, and stay the hell off my property!

FYI:  James Caan limited himself to very little sleep during this to seem older and tired.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Who says the dead tell no tales?  Well, probably nobody but I thought it was a great tag line for the beginning of this review.  By the title, I am sure you already know the premise of this insane horror flick.  Spoiler alert, its about an autopsy!  Local Father/Son Morticians seem to be the only game in town when entering their creepy mortuary comes unknown dead hottie, Jane.  She seems to be "Mostly Dead" but no apparent evidence of how.  Let the autopsy begin.  They find a number of creepy clues and evidence as to why and how but cant seem to put the pieces together.  That is when the shit hits the fan!  This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat and throw some serious horror at you.  I ahve read a few reviews of it being boring but I am pretty sure that they are 15 years old and have the attention span of a flea.  If you like suspense, horror, thriller and great acting watch this movie.  It may be one of the best of the year.  Hirsch and Cox have some great chemistry and the acting duo was very real.  Now grab some popcorn, your going to want to watch this while eating!

FYI:  Martin Sheen was originally cast at the father but scheduling conflicts cast Brian Cox.


No Escape

Pack up the family truckster, we are moving to Southeast Asia!  All the rice you can eat and karaoke as far as the ears can handle!  Unfortunately, this poor family just touched down in the middle of a rebel uprising against any foreigners and having blond hair and blue eyes is a bit of a give away.  The tale of the tape is a down on his luck out of work engineer is hired to help with purified water treatments in Southeast Asia.  Once there with his wife and two small girls, he immediately finds that something isn't quite right.  His company hasn't contacted him and the place is on edge and extremely tense.  It turns out that the war has begun and the rebels are quickly moving through the city killing any foreign man, woman and child.  The family has to escape a number of near impossible situations and the actions keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire movie.  Great acting and awesome tense situations.  Yes, some unbelievable and some probably more impossible than not but wow, hidden gem by far.  This is one of the better "under the radar" movies I have found, even if it does have Pierce Brosnan in it ;)  Watch it soon, or just before going traveling through Asia.

FYI:  This movie actually raised some uproar with Cambodia after the trailer was released showing lettering upside down.  This is an insult and the movie was immediately banned.


The Disappointments Room

If you were ever told to go to your room as a child and thought to yourself you hate your parents, count your blessings that it was just your bedroom and not the Disappointments Room!!!  Stupid title and rather stupid premise for this movie.  Here is the scoop; way back in the day these old Victorian type houses had "Disappointment Rooms" where prestigious families who had a mentally challenged or deformed child could hide them away from the world.  The child would usually spend its entire life there with no contact to the outside world.  Well it just so happens that this city family movies into a house like this, finds the room and low and behold, its haunted by the ghosts of the past, or is it?!  The movie itself was pretty predictable with some good parts such as, "drunk host at a dinner party", and "I almost killed my kid".  The very best part of this movie is Kate Beckinsale, who seems to never age and stay super hot!  The real disappointment of this movie was the lack of her showing some skin!  Give it a shot if you like the thriller genre, and if you have nothing else to do, its entertaining at the least.

FYI:  The first movie by Relativity Studios since declaring bankruptcy in 2015.  Oops!


Friday, December 9, 2016


Not a dog person?  Well try this on for size.  Step one, become obsessed with an old classmate from High School.  Step two, creep her out and stalk her.  Step three, build cage in a dingy old basement no one goes in anymore.  Step four, trap said girl in the cage until she falls in love with you.  That about sums it up, with these simple four steps its all that easy!  Although with this film, there is much more than what the viewer thinks behind every corner.  The manipulation in this movie between a couple of psychopaths is incredible.  Dominic Monaghan plays your typical lonely, anti social creepo who thinks he is justified in most of his crazy actions.  Ksenia Solo plays the super hot, troubled, girl with a dark past and some secrets that reveal themselves throughout the film.  Once captured this physiological thriller unravels into a really good film.  At first it has a bit of a made for TV feel to it but becomes so much more.  If you like the thriller, horror genre, definitely watch this movie!

FYI:  This film debuted in one theater grossing $70!


The Accountant

To quote the great movie of "Tropic Thunder", if you want to make a successful hit you cant go full-on retard.  Well this proves to be oh, so true.  What you have is a character with Autism (I think, they dont like labels) who starts life with an overbearing, no nonsense military father.  Good ole Dad thinks that him and his "normal" brother need to be trained Ranger style.  Affleck becomes an accountant which is basically a front but the kicker is he is a crazy math savant who reminds me of a cross between Rain Man, A Beautiful Mind, and Jason Bourne.  Now here is the crap; Anna Kendrick.  Grrrrr!  This chick drives me nutz!  I think her acting sucks and she is almost as annoying as Kristen Stewart.  Bad casting choice if you ask me, other wise the movie kicks ass!  Jon Bernthal is awesome yet again!  He continues to prove that his acting chops are top notch and almost up stages Affleck who also rocks in this.  Last but not least, J.K. Simmons has another memorable role here as the director of a CIA division, and kills it!  Great movie and would watch it again with no hesitation.

FYI:  Kendrick based her role after her Mother who is a real life accountant and explained the movie to her.



Here we go again!  Another cry-baby movie about how the evil NFL has covered up yet another bullshit excuse to soften the game of football.  Suck it up Neanderthals, you know what you signed up for!  So you have a headache, huh?  Take an aspirin and get back out there like a gladiator!  Then, here comes this uppity foreigner who barely knows about the game of soccer let along real football and screws everything up for Americans coast to coast!  Okay, that might have been a little harsh, actually this movie is pretty damn good.  Will Smith does an excellent job, so much that once again its hard to think he came from The Fresh Prince!  The movie gets pretty deep and it really delves into the theory of how trauma can affect more than just your thoughts and brain activity.  The story is very strong and made for an extremely enjoyable movie.  I wanted a little more of the national exposure and to see other effects rather than 5 guys going crazy and wanting to kill them selves in a car.  I didn't like the rushed ending and thought it kind of left you wanting more.  Overall its a good flick and worth the watch.

FYI:  Mike Webster was actually living in his car and repeatedly hurting himself.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Ones Below

I once had a guy say to me that I had it easy because of my, "perfect life, perfect wife, perfect kids, perfect house!"  I just laughed and though, mission accomplished, he has no idea what a shit show my life really is!  Well take that same mentality and throw it into a creep neighbor couple.  We all know the type, a little off and hard not to feel uncomfortable around.  Well they live in the flat below this naive couple who happens to have the wrong neighbors.  The creeps below play the part of the happy couple, but there are some deep seeded entities there.  The dude is played by none other than, "The Governor!"  This is a slow moving tale that creeps up on you but keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next.  It is really a hidden gem on Netflix and is highly underrated.  There are some predictable parts and you will likely call the ending but worth a watch.  If you happen to be pregnant, you should definitely watch this movie, then have sweet dreams!

FYI:  While filming this movie, they used 7 different cats for a total screen time of 38 seconds.


Hell or High Water

Who out there is a "Pine Nut"?  I know I am!  Well in this movie he plays a down on his luck, country bumpkin looser on the fast track to nowhere, or is he?  Here is the skinny.  Two poor boys from West Texas go on a bank robbing spree.  They need the money to save their family ranch, which is the twist at the end.  Hot on their trail is Old Man Bridges, the soon to be retired TX Marshall.  There is action, crime, mystery, chase, and blood all to end up with a near perfect ending.  This movie flew under the radar and had a pretty disastrous opening weekend but the masses have smartened up on this one.  With a true "No Country For Old Men" feel to it, this film stayed strong with its direction and had an outstanding story.  Sure there were a few things that are somewhat cliche, but I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen.  The acting was amazing and I will be surprised if there are no awards won.  Ben Foster joins the ranks (if he hadn't already) of the elite as he controlled the scenes along with Chris Pine.  This is a sure winner movie and I suggest you run and see it fast!

FYI:  Although the movie is based in West Texas, hardly any of it was shot there.  Take that stupid Texas!


War Dogs

Which Jonah Hill do you like better?  Obese, weird shaped, 1/2 man 1/2 fat Jonah or slimmed down still weird body shaped much healthier Jonah?  Well you get the slob in this one, but damn-it, he is so damn good it doesn't even matter!  Then throw in Miles Teller for a perfect on screen duo.  These two look nothing like the actual characters they are playing, but who gives a shit its Hollywood.  You know, the same place that cast The Duke as Genghis Khan!  Anyway, if you wanted to make some quick cash in the 90's (like $300 million) just jump on line and under bid for a security arms dealing contract.  That's what these two real life dip shits did, and got super loaded off of dealing weapons to military contractors.  How this movie got a single bad review or negative feedback is beyond me.  This movie kicks ass!  Yes, there is some narration that is a little unnecessary but it truly takes you through an adventure of these guys that you don't want to miss.  The comedy and action are great, Tellers girlfriend in the movie is super hot, and Hill steals the show.  One of the best characters is Bradly Cooper, when he shows up and commands the screen.  This is a definite watch and I cant believe I didn't see it sooner.

FYI:  Jesse Eisenberg and Shia LaBeouf were originally considered for the main parts.


Bleed For This

Who the hell wants to watch another boxing movie?  Well, I do of course!  IMO, they cant make enough boxing and football movies, especially ones like this that are based on true stories.  This movie was so interesting that after dragging my wife to the theater, she fell asleep within 20 minutes.  Pretty sure she had to much wine at dinner.  I enjoyed this movie as Miles Teller is awesome and got jacked for the role, but there were so many things wrong with this flick!  First off it is definitely not in the top 5 greatest boxing movies of all time, (Raging Bull, The Fighter, Rocky, Cinderella Man, Southpaw).  I think the direction and low budget of only $6 Million was a major factor.  The acting was excellent but they forgot to develop the characters so that you would even care about them.  The story itself was inspiring and so awesome that it was almost unbelievable but it stretched with unnecessary drama.  They should have taken a page out of Stallone's play book and added some higher than life training sequences.  Overall this was a good movie but probably one for the couch with a beer.  Oh, I forgot to mention what the movie was about.  Boxer, Vinny Pazienza, you've probably never heard of him, gets into a car accident and breaks his neck, and his boxing career, but not his spirit!  He trains to come back from a life altering injury to go on and become two separate weight class champions.  No biggie.

FYI:  Teller was trained by famous boxing trainer who has worked with Sugar Ray and Holyfield.


Ouija: Origin of Evil

Ever wonder if Ouija Boards actually work?  Well they don't.  Want to know how I know that?  Because every time I have ever played one the curser doesn't move, unless I am the one moving it!  Well here is a movie that I didn't expect to be good but it actually wasn't half bad.  The story and premise of course is old news and you can basically predict the outcome but it was very enjoyable.  Based in the 60s, the story revolves around a family who recently lost their husband/father.  The mom played by Elizabeth Reaser (who I cant stand) is a fake medium who is convinced she is helping people by reading their palms and connecting with their dead loved ones.  She decides to add a Ouija Board to the act and then the shit hits the fan.  The youngest daughter becomes possessed and wreaks havoc over the family.  Some cool jump scares and creepy little girl helps to bring the worn out story to life.  I watched it for free so any outcome would have been fine, but I wouldn't suggest paying to see this unless you are a teenager.  Now burn that damn gateway to hell already!

FYI:  Most of the creepiest scenes were cut from the final product.  WTH?


Monday, October 3, 2016

The Magnificent 7

Self proclaimed bloggers and movie reviewers unite!  We have yet another Hollywood remake on our hands and the claws are out!  Many of these so called expert reviewers and critics (present company excluded) have taken this film through the ringer.  I have read some of the worst reviews of a blockbuster since the new Star Wars!  Well I have come to bring peace to the land, and solve the arguments and make the universe right again.  First!  This movie kicked ass.  Maybe the character development was a little sloppy and rushed.  Maybe the historical inaccuracy was a bit over the top.  And just maybe, the gun fighting was a little exaggerated.  Here is the deal, the characters were bad ass.  What did you need, a love story???  The acting was spot on and compared to the original (Not 7 Samurai) it destroyed the expectations.  The gun fighting?  Well, its a western, they are always over the top and the original Mag 7, half the stars didn't even shoot!  Chris Pratt owned the screen.  He has great writers and can play the part well.  Denzel is always good but thought it was a bit of a mis-cast, not from the acting but he just didn't fit the role.  This was a great film that keeps you involved the entire time, watch it.

FYI:  You're welcome other critics.



It's high society at its finest!  Who wouldn't want to be part of an organization of fraternal brotherhood where in order to get in you have to go through a week of hell getting hazed to the point of physical torture and near alcohol poisoning.  Psychologically put through the ringer by a bunch of over-privileged trust fund babies with rape tendencies.  Then in the years to come, when you are the drive through window assistant manager of a Burger King you can stroll back in to the Frat House and be the laughing stock.  If you ask me its all worth it!  Best years of your life Bro!  This haunting tale is not your typical College Romp-Com, its the dark side of the hazing experience from one man's perspective after a brutal assault from some townies.  Jonas is pretty good and the story is very well told.  Some slow boring moments that I think dragged a little to long but over all great movie.  Based on the true story of Brad Land and his experience at Clemson University.  Give it a shot, and while your at it, take some shots!

FYI:  Many of the scenes shown were filmed using actual alcohol.  Boom!


We Are Your Friends

Can a DJ save the world?  I believe the writers of this movie believe just that.  With the power of highly repetitious electronic beats, anything is possible!!!  But wait, there is more!  Just take a glance above and try to stay dry, its Efron at the helm!  Okay, so this typical Hollywood production did it again with mass marketing, popular teen heart-throb, a niche music scene, and a hidden secret title that is actually a rip off from a song title.  Well I will be honest with you, I am pretty sure I would date Efron, and I am a straight dude!  Enough with the bashing, I was actually into this throw away film.  I thought the story was intriguing and I love electronic dance music.  I am certainly not going to hipster out and say, "oh hell no, that isn't even the way DJ's spin Bra!"  It is pretty dry and empty but worth a good watch to chill out to.  Efron has come a long way and I think is pretty awesome.  I remember taking my daughter to see him as a High School Goodie in the theater long ago, but now he is pretty bad ass.

FYI:  The fourth worst depute from a film released in over 2000 theaters.  $758 average!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Dear Mr. Zombie, you are one sick twisted son-of-a-bitch!  I think your warped sense of humor and gratuitous use of gore is utterly disgusting!  Your character development may work in most of your films, but the over use of these washed up, haggy, has-beens is truly appalling!  The portrayal of the filthy, raw, repugnant settings are enough to make your skin crawl and I feel like taking a scolding hot shower after ever film!  I should have recognized the red flag after listening you your music in High School, but now that my stomach is weaker, I truly understand the undertones of your film making.  In short, you are disgusting and I love everything about your movies!  Keep em coming please!

This was just written for all of those haters of Rob Zombies movies out there.  What did you expect?!?!  Of all his movies this one fell a little short.  The dialogue was kind of thrown together with no editing and I feel like they cut some crucial scenes.  Understandable since this was taken over by a new studio after the first one went bankrupt and was highly fan funded.  Otherwise it was awesome!  Great story, awesome blood and gore, fun characters and Sherri Moon is still hot as ever.  Find this and watch it if you are a fan, you will have fun throughout and love the killer clowns!

FYI:  Some fans who helped fund this movie played henchmen in the "Murderworld" setting.


The Neighbor

C'mon, I know you have done it.  Everyone spy's on their neighbors every now and then.  Maybe your looking for dirt because they pissed you off.  Maybe you want to see inside their house, or maybe your looking for the gratuitous tit shot???  Well let this be a warning to you all, knock it off!  This movie may just be your survival guide to having the creepy neighbor next door.  Talk about a diamond in the rough!  I fell upon this movie by sheer dumb luck never having heard of it before and was extremely impressed!  Drug runners (and young lovers) live in a small farm house out in the middle of nowhere having just one neighbor a ways down the road.  While the man is hard at work, running drugs of course, the little lady has all day in the house to spy on the creepo next door (eloquently played by Bill Engvall).  Well she stumbles upon a for your eyes only sort of shit, and you can only imagine what happens here.  This is an intense, stressful, thriller that has a great story, back story and somewhat predictable twist at the end.  I absolutely loved this movie and would highly recommend it to everyone but my wife who will be staring at her phone the entire time due to the tension.

FYI:  1 in 3 neighbors in the world has a dark secret.  Which one are you?!?!?


Battle Royal

Well here is an oldie but goodie!  Now available to stream on Netflix, its the original kid killing movie!  Ahhh, the Japanese overacting, the highly stereotypical school-girl outfits, the super fake red blood, this film has all the makings of the low budget cult classic hit it has grown to be.  I am pretty sure every film that has kids hunting each other is a rip off of this one, (Hunger Games, Maze Runner, The Selected).  Japanese culture has implemented a "Battle Royal" law for the society of its children.  They have become completely disrespectful to the adults and once they cross the line too many times, boom!  They get shipped off to an island with sensors around their neck and forced to kill each other.  Only one can survive and the resident history teacher is at the helm!  Great acting, sort of, but makes you think of watching a live Japanese Animation feature.  Give this one a shot, disturbing when you think of the plot, but trust me, you wont even care.  Its a good time and fun to watch, not to mention you will be able to tell the movie nerds that you have seen it.

FYI:  Over 800 students auditioned for the school kid parts in this movie.


Friday, September 9, 2016


Who would you rather go see in concert?  A group of grungy, S&M looking, horror mask wearing psycho death metal addicts in a band like Slipknot, or Frank (pictured above).  Yes, that is Frank, mask and all.  As a matter of fact he never takes it off, ever.  Here is the story of Frank:  He is a genius songwriter in a band made up of his hand picked misfits.  After meeting an aspiring young musician (with a credit card) they decide to take a retreat and record the greatest album ever made.  Well, Frank is very eccentric and the newcomer has a hard time getting over his antics and his head.  They end up getting invited to SXSW and the unstable Frank has a hard time dealing with the new recognition.  This is a sweet hidden gem on Netflix and should be watched immediately.  It is a great combination of humor, catchy music, drama and an underlining story of overcoming your own personal demons.  The fact that Fassbender plays Frank is awesome, especially since he is one of the greatest actors of our time.  There is a lot of depth to this flick and with songs that are extremely catchy and about nothing, it puts you at ease watching.  You will want to watch it again.

FYI:  Based on the iconic Frank Sidebottom (Chris Sievey)


Hector and the Search for Happiness

Who the hell is happy!?  The minute you actually feel happiness you think of all the bad in your life and boom!  Its gone!  Happiness is overrated, grumpy old men live longer because they hate!  And I hate happy people!  I hate everything and am constantly pissed off!  Get off my lawn!  This is what my wife hears when I talk.  Its a loose translation of me actually saying something like, "this pizza is pretty good even though I have had better."  Well Hector, played perfectly by Simon Pegg is a psychiatrist who is not grumpy, not happy just kind of there.  He is a little bit miserable even though he has a pretty good, but boring life.  He decides to take a journey and research what makes people happy.  He sets out on his travels around the world meeting interesting people and have an incredible adventure.  It is a little Walter Mitty, and Forest Gump type of story telling but honestly this movie was outstanding!  The characters are very well developed and there is so much scene and section changes that you are kept interested the entire time.  It is a feel good movie and has a great meaning to the world we live in that will help you to understand some of your thoughts of wanting more.  This is a must watch and will leave you with a smile.

FYI:  Dan Mangan, the composer of most of the soundtrack is in this movie in a number of scenes.


The Veil

So, think of the scariest, most horrifying place imaginable.  Throw in a creepy, haunted past with mass murders and religious sacrifice.  Now accept an invitation from a bunch of strangers who want to film you and go there and hang out.  If you thought that sounded like a good idea then this movie is for you and you are my friend!  There have been a number of movies inspired by the Jonestown Mass Suicide, some much better than others.  This is one of those but with a bit of a twist.  A group of film makers inspired by events that happened at a commune 25 years ago track down the only survivor of the cult like community. They document her remembrances at the very farm this all happened when she was a little girl.  Once there, as you can imagine, strange things start to happen.  Its a cross between a ghost/supernatural story, and a mystery/thriller that is carried by the great Thomas Jane.  He plays the cult leader and knocks it out of the park!  Of course there is Jessica Alba, who could watch paint dry and I would still watch her all day.  The story is good and has a cool timeline with events that bring everything together at the end.  Good watch and worth checking out.

FYI:  An entire reel of film went missing during post production and they had to re shoot a number of scenes.  Ghosts???



It's just around the corner, the greatest holiday ever.  Halloween!  Why not start watching some Devils Night themed movies, and with a cover like this, how can you pass it up?!  I know, it may look like your average throw away low budget horror flick, especially with a tag line of "The are not here for candy."  But, well, it is a low budget, campy horror flick but extremely stylish and has a nice flow that keeps confusing the viewer (on purpose).  My take on this pro-life propaganda flick is the undertones are extreme in symbolizing abortion, un-wed pregnancy, and teenage shenanigans!  Basically, this super hot blonde teen finds out she is prego from her dirt bag boyfriend on Halloween.  A little down in the dumps, she stays home while her family goes out trick or treating.  Now she has to survive the night from some deranged candy grabbers who begin to terrorize her.  Little Hellions!  The acting is just OK, and the story is nothing really new but the stylized cinematography was really cool and had a bit of a dream like theme.  If you like these type of movies you will enjoy this messy little movie.

FYI:  A lot of the movie was shot with an infrared lens.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Rabid Dogs

Things aren't always what they seem, and in this French film, you will wonder if you had it figured out all along, or not?  You just get done robbing a bank and need a quick getaway.  What do you do?  I say grab a hot chick to use as a shield, then a father taking his young daughter to the hospital so you can have the car.  There, three hostages, three back robbers, and a bag full of money.  Perfect, right?  Possibly, but like in all French films, things turn weird, and there is always a twist.  This movie brought some tense moments and you really start to like the character development but fell just a tad short.  It is a remake of a 70's Italian, exploitation film but changed in a number of ways without improvement.  If you haven't seen the original than you will most likely really enjoy this as long as you can read because it has subtitles.  Good acting for the most part and a story that takes you through a journey keeping your eyes on the screen wondering what will happen next.  The best part is is, it is streaming on Netflix right now!!!  Happy Friday TV Watching!

FYI:  The original Italian film was released 23 years after if was completed due to legal issues.


Blood Father

Dear Hollywood actors,

If you want to make it in this industry there are a few rules you have to follow.  1. stay in shape.  2. be an extremist, most commonly a bleeding heart liberal.  3. What ever you do, don't piss off the Jews.  4. Even if you follow rules 1 & 2, rule #3 will still ruin your career.


Mel Gibson

This is just another example of one hell of a good actor, a great movie, and a former master of Hollywood is still and will continue to be blacklisted due to his anti-semantic rants.  One drunkin night caught on film is enough to ruin you in Tinsel Town, and Gibson is the prime target.  No theaters, no press, no promotion but this film was great!  Not original in anyway but the characters were outstanding!  Gibson is huge in this and plays a total bad ass.  He plays a recovering addict, ex con who is desperate to find his estranged daughter.  Well she falls into his lap one day carrying some serious baggage and needs his help.  The lines were written perfectly for his brash character and he brings a gruff, pissed off old man to life!  My only complaint was that he cut his beard at the end.  The daughter played the part well and gave a good spark to the dark and dirty overtone.  Find this movie and watch it, especially if you are a Gibson fan.

FYI:  This film was in post production for over a year without a trailer surfacing.


Don't Breathe

If you are casing an old mans house to rob, who is blind by the way, 9 times out of 10 you are likely to pull it off without a problem.  Although, there is that one time where the old blind guy is a jacked, super soldier with a crazy set of fighting skills!  Then, basically you are screwed!  There were a number of thrillers that came out this summer, most highly disappointing, but this flick was pretty awesome!  The premise is 3 kids are wisely choosing homes to rob staying away from cash and selling the loot to a third party.  They get word that an old man who lives in the last house of an abandoned neighborhood has hundreds of thousands of dollars hidden from a settlement he received.  What could go wrong?  Pretty much everything.  Great suspense, good story line and very tense especially making the man blind.  I would have liked to see a different casting choice in the main character but he did play the part well.  The story takes an unexpected twist and really brings the audience back into the excited state.  Yes, there are some obvious holes in this plot but works fine for me.  I would highly recommend this in the theater, and don't forget to breathe!

FYI:  The blind man only has 13 lines in the entire movie.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Snowtown Murders

Well, after watching about 5 movies dealing with Australia I have come to the conclusion that I don't ever want to go there.  Why?  I guess because of the constant man on man rape, torturous killings, dirty slime balls, poverty stricken chain smokers who would just assume bite you than talk, did I mention the raping?  Here is yet another true story of this God forsaken place following a young impressionable teen who is manipulated into the world of murder and torture.  Mostly with his family and friends.  I can see why, his home life was unsatisfying at best.  Occasionally he would be raped by his older, dumber brother.  The food sucked, his neighbor liked to take naked pictures of him and his brothers, his mom was the town whore, so I guess you can say he had it all.  Well one by one, the new boyfriend of his mom starts to bring around his crew who all like a little bit of the ultra-violence.  This film was creepy and slow, but was addicting.  You really wait to see what comes next and get annoyed with the staleness of the main character (who is likely a descendant of Heath Ledger).  Give this one a shot since it is a free Netflix streaming event, you may like the twisted psychotic feel it gives you.

FYI:  How many other movie references did I mention in this review? :)


Lights Out

Well, the previews were good anyway.  I almost stopped the entire review after that first sentence but figured I have always been long winded when talking about movies, why stop now?  I LOVE horror movies, all types.  Thrillers, Slasher, Supernatural, B-Rated, you name it.  So I am a little bias when it comes to that genre but I am still honest.  We have our main ingredients for this Hollywood Blockbuster of a scary movie.  1. Bat-Shit crazy Mom with some deep secrets and psychotic demeanor.  2. Hot Daughter who is rebellious and has Daddy issues.  3. Creepy, shadowy, un-killable gargling monster with only one vice, light.  Boom, there you have it, a recipe for success in the cinematic world of today!  What was wrong you ask?  Well here are a few thoughts from me:  Pretty loose and kind of dumb story.  Rushed and wanted to be a less smart version of "The Ring".  No reason as to why anything was happening.  Oh, and not scary.  There were a few good points for potential, and the monster, ghost, thing was pretty vicious.  Also, this is probably the hottest I have ever seen Teresa Palmer, usually she looks like a homeless crack addict.  I would watch it to get your curious scare fix but don't spend more than a dollar.  You will be disappointed, which is why I cant figure out why the reviews are mostly really good?!?!

FYI:  A sequel was immediately green lit after this movie with a $5 million budget made 4 times that on the opening weekend!


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


There aren't many times where you read a book, then watch the movie and think, "Wow, I really liked the movie better than the book!"  Well, this is not one of those times!  If you haven't seen this movie yet I really don't know what my advice would be.  I read the book first and was pretty disappointed in the adaptation, but if I would have watched the movie first it would have spoiled a lot of the great tense scenes written out in the book.  All in all I really wasn't to upset with the movie, but they were not very detailed and almost completely changed most of the second half.  If your going to take a very well written book where every little detail matters, you better get it right and include it on the screen.  Just to give you a recap; Mom and son are held captive in a locked "room".  It comes out later that she was abducted by a sick, piece of shit, rapist 7 years ago and now has a 5 year old son who knows nothing of the outside world but this room.  Mom, creates a whole world with routine, chores, exercise, and learning for this poor kid but when they come up with a plan to escape, that is when even more fear and adventure come into play.  This is a great story and will give you a lump in your throat if your human.  Definitely give this a shot, but I would highly recommend reading the book as it gives you so much more.

FYI:  Old Nick which is the nickname for the kidnapper is also another name for the Devil in old world Christianity



When I think good ole fashion family film, I go directly to the Nazi, Skinhead, Klan section and bask in the narrow-mindedness of the ignorant in breads of Western Civilization!  Talk about a good night on the couch with popcorn.  Once again Daniel Radcliffe surprises me and rocks another role (the last being Horns).  He plays the real life undercover FBI agent who goes deep in order to uncover an extremist group with "big plans" to help cleanse the world.  Although he runs into a few road blocks along the way, he finally gets his man.  This movie was pretty tense and ended up being a great sleeper.  There were some problems don't get me wrong, such as Collette being a little to chompie with the gum and a little cheesy with the role.  Also, some of the skinheads were a little to quick to walk away but really these were minor in comparison to the rest of the film.  I would love to read up on this and find out the true story but it might make me cringe.  Can you believe we still have hate groups in America?  Good God people, watch the Olympics or something!

FYI:  The actors and crew members would use a bicycle to go between downtown and the studio set up.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Suicide Squad

Drum roll please!  The most talked about movie in a very long time, now on my review site!  Strap in, get ready to comment, argue, yell, agree, whatever!  Here we go!

The best thing that could have happened for me before watching this movie was reading about 2000 terrible and destroying reviews of how ridiculous and awful this movie was.  My expectations were quite low and I actually considered not going.  Well you all know me and to skip a movie of any sort would mean I was dead!  I have to start by saying I really don't understand the bad ratings, first off its a movie based on a comic book that none of you suckers have ever even read.  Also, it has to squeeze multiple complex characters within a few hours or everyone would bitch about it being to long.  Did I mention it was based on a comic book?!?!?  I have decided to break this review down into the good and the bad:

The good:  Awesome soundtrack, Harley Quinn's lines were great and she is so hot!  Dead shot was a great pick for the unofficial leader and was the glue.  El Diablo was likely the best character, his story was amazing and he should have his own standalone movie.  The character development was great and a perfect way to start the movie.  The Joker played that particular Joker role really well but didn't really need to be in the movie at all.

The bad:  Crock?  Unnecessary.  Slip Knot?  Who?  Was he even in this movie?  Needed a lot more of a backstory on the enemy, the ghosts brother, and why they were there in the first place.  Seemed like the whole movie was built up for a sequel.  Dead Shot was great, but I wish he was more like a bad guy instead of the "Will Smith" with a big heart.  Could have been a 5 hour movie and been better.  Might have been better as an HBO series?

Overall it was outstanding!  The biggest complaint from viewers was the plot confusion.  Not sure what the confusion was.  Aliens once again came to kill humans so the CIA grabbed the bad ass villains to stop them.  If they fail, who cares, no wanted lives mattered.  If they win, it stays under wraps.  Give this a shot and don't listen to the haters, if you are a true movie fan, you will keep in mind that this was just another comic book movie that should be fun!

FYI:  Tom Hardy was originally cast as Rick Flag but dropped out.  He played Bane who was an original member of the Suicide Squad in the comics.


The Purge-Election Year

With election time right around the corner, I though it would be appropriate to discuss where our great country could be headed.  No, I'm not making a political statement here, we are screwed either way!  Okay, just kidding, I certainly don't want a riot started on account of a movie review site!  Well if you thought this series was dead, you were so wrong!  These just keep getting better!  After watching the first installment I really thought it was wasted ideas and fell short.  Then they almost mixed the original idea with hints of "The Warriors" to make two more extremely satisfying films.  The premise of the 3rd, if you cant tell is it is election time, and one of the front runners is trying to abolish the Purge.  Well the fat cats and conservatives don't like this and will stop at nothing to end her reign.  Great characters, good tense scenes, and Elizabeth Mitchell is super hot!  Frank Grillo doesn't get near the credit he should for being an action star and Bubba is just your common, cool city folk.  Give this one a shot, it is really neck and neck with the second but much better than the first.

FYI:  Only one character appeared in all three movies.


The Shallows

Did anyone over the age of 20 see the previews for this movie and really want to go see it?  If the answer is yes, here is question #2.  What if Blake Lively wasnt in it?  I am pretty sure the selling point of this movie was for pre teens who love sharks, or middle age men fantasizing about lively in a bikini for 2 hours!  I may be wrong and if so, sorry you sent the cash.  The movie, here is what you need to know.  Hot chick goes surfing alone at a secluded beach in a country she barely knows.  Hot chick stays out just a little to long.  Hot chick becomes stranded on a rock a few hundred yards from the beach because a giant, psycho, killer shark is stalking her.  Sound familiar?  That is probably because the same premise is used in about 30 other movies.  It was actually tense in many parts and had some good action, unfortunately there were way too many scenes that were cringe worthy.  Here are a few to spoil the fun.  The stitching scene, really?  The shark slayer scene, c'mon!  Overall it was just okay.  I would definitely watch it for free somewhere but like I mentioned before, at least Lively was in it!

FYI:  This film was voted the best liked script that was never made before the movie was released


Friday, August 5, 2016

The 33

Talk about your all time Man Cave!  Wow!  This thing had everything!  Enough canned food for 3 days, dirty water, 33 stinky men in 100 degree heat!  Don't forget about the candles, head lamps and the biggest toilet you have ever seen!  I don't know what all the fuss was about, these guys had it good.  Just ask any married man if they could spend 69 days in their man cave would they do it?  Hell yes!  Okay, so it was a little too far underground and not really much food and oh, they were trapped and dying!  This is the true story of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 2000 feet underground for 69 days with only enough food for a few people for 3 days.  They entered an unstable mountain to begin with with no remorse from the owners and to their luck were saved.  The perseverance of the Minister of Mining in Chile, the drillers from around the world and an American who kept hope really decided the fate of these poor guys.  The acting was really good and the intensity of the emotions keeps you on your toes.  Yes, it is in English!  The biggest complaint from the so called critics was that it should have been in Spanish.  Maybe, but after a few minutes you don't even notice and who cares!  Great movie with a lot you can bring out of it.  Give it a watch and its on HBO right now!

FYI:  Banderas met the man he played and asked him to be an adviser on the set.


A Hologram for the King

Ah sales!  In every form, every product, every environment, sales is sales.  You have to put on your poker face, kiss some ass, be liked but not to liked, look cool, but not to cool, have swagger but just enough to show confidence that is just enough.  Have all the right tools in your bag, use them accordingly, know your audience, and believe in your product.  If you do all of these things, play your cards right and the stars align, you will get your ass kicked by the Chinese, selling the same thing for less money and faster turn around times!!!  Well this underappreciated movie which received mediocre reviews and was pretty much swept under the rug was a breath of fresh air.  The style of it was great and Hanks rarely lets you down.  The story was based on a book that I cant help but think is a rip off from Death of a Salesman.  Hanks is a somewhat failed business man who is sent to Saudi to sell a new IT technology to the King.  Along the way he begins to find himself and figure his lost way in life.  Flashbacks of his failed past and his dreamlike sequences are great.  The only complaint I have on this one is the ending was so rushed I felt like they either ran out of money or just go bored.  It is a little of a Walter Mitty type and definitely worth the watch!

FYI:  Actually filmed in Morocco


Into the Forest

What is the longest you have gone without power?  I personally have gone a gut wrenching 2 days during a storm in Nebraska.  The worst part, no TV!!!  Oh, and the fact that most of the food spoiled.  Well imagine if the power went out in the whole world for over a year, or for ever!  That exact scenario just so happens to these two winey spoiled brats, and guess what, the world sneaks up on them!  First off, they live so far outside of any town that they are late to the show on preparation and have to rely on their survival skills, which is basically none unless you factor in that they are complete brainiacs.  Shit gets a little real when the worst happens and survival is extreme.  Actually a pretty good movie, some slow and meaningless parts but pretty intense.  If you don't already know, you will get a good look at Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood, topless!  Page is gross if you ask me but boobs are boobs, right?  Give this one a shot, it really dives into the emotions of our society and how man reacts when thrown into an unfamiliar situation.

FYI:  This movie crushed it on opening weekend with just over a whopping $6k!


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Invitation

Thank you Netflix, for letting us stream this film!  Anyone who is a true fan of real film and can appreciate things like mystery, implied subject notions, irony, and tense emotion will absolutely love The Invitation.  This is a hard review because I don't want to give away any part but I will give you the vague overview of the plot.  Young couples are invited to a dinner party with other friends the hosts have all shared.  The first twist is that the party is hosted by the ex wife of a guest in which they share the horrible past of losing a son together, and the party is at their old house.  The ex husband has clearly not gotten over the past and it starts to show the longer he is in his old environment.  He begins to get suspicious, unstable and paranoid causing the party to become extremely uncomfortable.  There is a sense of evil and deceit in the air, or is it him just going crazy?  The direction of this is amazing and having good acting along with great dialogue makes it even better.  It may seem a little slow at times but if you get into it, you will understand what the film maker is trying to do, and works brilliantly!  Definitely watch this movie!

FYI:  This film was only released in a few select theaters with complete creative control given to the writers and directors.



Classic take on the old "Odd Couple" movie.  The crazy shenanigans are around every corner, for some great laughs, intelligent banter, and a warm hearted tale of love and appreciation.  Well, actually, this film is none of those things but if you dig deep enough into your hipster intellectual movie mindset, you may have actually bought that load of crap!  Netflix gets it right once again with this little flick.  Not too memorable but a good one time watch when surfing through the action selection.  Fishburne, who is a really good hit man, meets his match with Jane who ends up protecting a 12 year old little girl since she witnessed a murder.  Its a good little cat and mouse with Fishburne shining in his delivery.  The writing was pretty good, and the situation was a good dose of reality.  The dialogue between Jane and Fishburne is what stole the show.  I would say there was a bit of cheese and its low budget showed but good for a one time watch for sure.

FYI:  Jane and Fishburne actually killed eachother during the filming of this movie!


Monday, July 11, 2016

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Wow, how did it take me this long to watch this movie?  I am a complete failure since I just finished it and now rate it in my top 5 favorite war movies of all time.  Well done Mr. Bay, you are better than Transformers!  So the question is, "how many bullets does it take to mow down an entire country of crazy, rebel psychopaths with a never ending arsenal?  Not enough apparently.  This movie is based on the true story of a group of military contractors hired to secure a secret CIA out post in Benghazi while offering support to a make shift temporary embassy down the road.  Well as you can imagine in a failed society that is like a pressure cooker, things go awry.  Many people have called this movie an anti American political movement blaming Hilary Clinton for the lack of military support to help these soldiers out.  Others call it a blame game by throwing the Republican lead of the House of Representatives under the bus.  I say they should shut the fuck up until they know what they are talking about.  Life isn't a movie, you cant just make a quick call to the Commander in Chief and say, "Hey we need some air support in this 3rd world country in the next 10 minutes."  The movie was outstanding, exciting, great action that didn't have the cheese effect, and the writing was awesome.  I think it portrayed the rough-neck lingo pretty well even if it did have some Hollywood mixed in.  Watch this movie, it is awesome.  And damn, Krasinski from The Office must of got his hands on some serious steroids!

FYI:  The real life "Tanto" lives in Nebraska as an Insurance Adjuster.


Friday, July 8, 2016


Could have been titled "Shut UP!  But I like Hush better.  So, Pop Quiz hot shot!  What do you do if you are in a remote cabin all alone, you have had some wine, and a masked killer shows up at your door with weapons such as a cross-bow?  Oh, and by the way, you are deaf as a door-nail!  You try to escape of course?  Nope, not in this situation.  Ole boy killer is way to smart, fast and hearing privileged for that!  Well you can use your resources to negotiate, turn off all the lights, maybe even try to make a weapon.  Or, just channel your inner MMA Fighter and start kicking some ass!  This was a pretty decent find on Netflix simply because horror films don't usually have a lot of context or plot but due to the  girl being deaf, its a good thriller.  The old cat and mouse technique is always a good way to make your movie better as long as it doesn't drag on.  Not a lot of substance here and the acting is sub par but I would recommend.  I even made my wife sit through it and she gave it a bit of approval by not looking at her phone 100% of the time.

FYI:  Has less than 15 minutes of dialogue.


Green Room

Who doesn't love a really shitty punk band, playing for a bunch of skin heads, in a herpatitus infested bar in the middle of nowhere???  Well unfortunately this little punk band wanders into the wrong situation.  But I blame them fully!  First of all there are basic rules of etiquette while wandering through a dingy, rat infested Neo Nazi club.  Rule #1, always knock.  Rule #2 make sure you have a hefty supply of penicillin on you at all times!  Rule #3, don't look at the dead body of a teenage girl lying on the floor.  And finally, rule #4, always refer to rule #1!!!  Well these idiots broke every one of those crucial rules and found themselves up shit creek.  C'mon!  Everyone knows these rules!  Things go from bad to worse when they lock themselves in the green room and try to get the cops.  Unfortunately for them the owner of the place, played excellently by Patrick Stewart is a meticulous psychopath who leaves no stone uncovered.  This movie had amazing tension, great acting, and an awesome story that brings a little uniqueness back into the mix of suspense movies.  I am also a sucker for revenge flicks and I really like Anton Yelchin (RIP).  You should definitely watch this flick, it was a good breath of fresh air!

FYI:  The first song the band plays in the skin head club is a Dead Kennedys cover.



May have been cooler titled "Pirates", or maybe even "Raiders"?  At least that way people could have pronounced the name that means the same thing.  (I think)?  I thought we had the formula for a Hollywood blockbuster here.  Scary masks on the bank robbers, check!  Inner city movie about bank robberies involving the FBI, check!  Bruce Willis, Check!  Wait what happened?  I think I can give you a clue.  Terrible acting, followed by a rare version of the exact same plot as many other movies made in the last few years, followed by more bad acting, and to top it off Adrian Grenier!  Oh, if you didn't notice from the poster, Dave Batista is in this!  He is actually pretty cool, and huge!  I like Meloni but was a little overacted in this, he is better in comedy where he tries to play a bad ass but gets made fun of.  And how can we forget old Bruce?  He takes some really stupid roles and in this one is as dramatic as can be.  Basically its about a ban of "Marauders" who have an agenda to rob banks owned by one man in order to expose his involvement with a not so ethical military operation.  Throw in a gay political scandal, a cop who has a wife dying of cancer, and a so called twist with lots of slow motion and you got it.  It was in my opinion Triple 9 part 2 1/2.  Worth a watch on a lonely night but that is as far as I will take it.

FYI:  Ahhhhhh, I got nothin.


Money Monster

Ahhhh, greed!  It's a wonderful thing!  Especially when you throw in media attention, firearms, stock market scandals, and sob stories.  Oh, wait I think I was just describing America.  Anyway, here we have a not so unique story of a down on his luck guy who takes extreme matters into his own hands for the world to see.  He listened to blabbing finance idiot on TV which we all know too well, looses his savings, and holds up the host in order to find the bigger fish.  All the while, the world is watching the live telecast.  As always, they form an improbable bond, and go after the real bad guy instead.  Oh, and its all on live TV, in New York City.  Sounds far fetched, but hey its a movie.  I really liked it.  It was entertaining and Clooney plays a good douche.  The best part of the film was when the bad guy has a live conference call with his pregnant girlfriend as the cops think this will help.  She destroys him in front of everyone by basically taking his manhood and stuffing it in her purse.  What does Clooney say about all of this?  Don't worry about it man, we have all been there.  Ain't that the damn truth!  Good suspense, good action, and great dialogue.  Definitely worth a watch and from Jodie Foster as a director, she did great.

FYI:  Easter Egg:  One of the reporters speaking at the end is named Terry Benedict! (if you don't know I wont explain it)


Friday, June 10, 2016


Who would have ever thought, an African American being a fast enough runner to compete with the worlds most elite athletes in the Olympic games!  Sounds like a whole lot of fiction right?  I'm sure you are all wondering who this science fiction premise ever got made in the first place!  It never ceases to amaze me how ridiculously ignorant and idiotic people used to be (and some still are) when I watch these period pieces.  So we have the true story of Jesse Owens which I hope you all know because it was an amazing and intricate part of our history.  This dude was not only fast, and I mean really fast, but could quite possibly be one of our histories greatest athletes.  His struggles on and off the field along with the bigotry he had to endure over his life of incredible achievements was unreal.  Even after winning multiple gold medals in the Olympic games, he was still treated less than a man upon returning home.  I didn't realize who involved Hitler was with the process of allowing him to run in these games and what part he played as a sore looser once the gold was won by Owens.  This was an inspiring movie that really kept you wanting more but fell somewhat short.  They probably could have taken a page out of Disney's book in order to spice things up a little but overall a pretty good flick.

FYI:  The part of Owens was almost given to the dude from the new Star Wars, thank God!!!!!


The Double

Eisenberg has been very surprising over the years with his multiple of roles.  I find myself walking into his films thinking, "here we go with another mousy, nervous, sweaty palmed character with a slight studder and full of uncomfortable tendencies.  Then as the movie goes on he either makes it work or changes the atmosphere, he is truly gifted.  Well in this movie he makes it work, changes the tone or the entire movie and explodes out of nowhere.  This movie was awesome, although not all that original, it was extremely entertaining and unique in its setting and cinematography.  We begin with a talented but over the top shy worker bee in a dingy futuristic IT type setting.  He gets no credit and is almost invisible as he portrays the non memorable drone.  Enter the double!  The new hire who is charismatic, arrogant, street wise and the office asshole schmoozer.  By the way, looks exactly the same but no one notices because worker bee number one is basically a ghost.  Well the one person who does notice is the double who becomes close and then tries to take over the life of shy guy.  The events are really well played out and Eisenberg as the cocky dick is awesome!  Not unlike Enemy for its premise, but different in the story-line.  Give this one a shot, it is excellent!

FYI:  This film was almost made in the 90's by Roman Polansky staring John Travolta.



No, not the delicious 31 flavors found in random strip malls across the country, this is a WTF movie that fell into my lap making me want to scrub with a brillo pad when I was done.  There are questions you may ask yourself before and after watching this movie such as; what is this movie about?  Why was this movie made?  What does this movie mean?  After sitting through this weird piece of hidden cinema, I still dont know.  Here is what I got out of it:  A group of Middle Eastern cops answer a call to an infamous haunted house.  This is after strange events happen with a weird time lapse and flash backs that may or may not be one of the characters.  Once at the house of horrors, they find an underground satanic worshiping, slave holding, disgusting human experimental dungeon.  This may be Hell, or just a man cave for twisted dudes, who knows?  The leader, who has quite possibly the weirdest face I have ever seen is a sicko who likes to stab out the eyes of his victums and have them raped by a dog/hunchback type character.  Its a whole lotta family fun!  I thought it was rather well made but really didnt make much sense unless you chalk it up to a dream-like substance.  You may want to check it out if your curiosity is getting the best of you but make sure you are a true movie buff who appreciates movies out of the ordinary.

FYI:  This is actually a re-make of another short Turkish film.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

Did you hear?  There is a new Marvel Super-Hero movie out!  It's the third installment of Captain America!  You know, the homo-erotic, spandex wearing, good ole boy from the 20's.  Well with this flick, begin his love affair with none other than Tony Stark.  If you ask me any movie that doesn't include Hulk or Thor is weak.  Not to mention, Vision, what good are you???  I am going to start off by saying WTF?!?!  The Earth's mightiest hero's are fighting each other over some crusty, metal armed dick wad who just recently tried to kill them all??  My biggest complaint is how pissed I got watching this.  I mean, c'mon guys, don't fight!!  That being said, I loved this movie!  By far the best installment of the C.A. series.  Awesome fight scenes, bad ass new characters, witty remarks, Stan Lee (again), the story line could have used a little work but I was really impressed!  Now, to get down to the bones, Spiderman and Ant-Man stole the show!!!  These guys were really only in the movie for about 15 minutes but were absolutely awesome!  I was upset that Andrew Garfield wasn't cast (yes, I said it cause I like him) but the new Spidey seems really good, and a little more like the naive high school kid from the comics.  This is a must see and will likely see it again and again!

FYI:  Downey Jr./Iron Man was almost completely written out of the script due to wanting more screen time and more money.  They made the right decision!!


Triple 9

Common questions before watching this film include, "What does triple 9 mean?"  "Why are they wearing red ninja suits on the poster?"  "Why is Casey Affleck such a better actor than Ben?"  All of your wildest questions are answered after watching this newly released flick.  So, I actually liked this movie but it had a lot of problems!  Such star power with no character development or story line.  This is a movie that after watching you think to yourself, "did they forget to write or include half of the script?"  Bad cops teaming up with criminals to rob banks in order to pay off one mans debt to a Russian mobster who happens to be the sister of his baby's momma.  You got all that right?  Throw in a rookie that seems to be the only good cop on the force, a slime ball, drug addict Woody Harrelson,  Daryll from The Walking Dead, the new Wonder Woman, and Jessie from Breaking Bad and BOOM, blockbuster, right?  Well not really.  This movie was like swiss cheese and must of had a budget of a billion dollars in order to get the star power, (it was actually $28 million).  Meh, is my final assessment of this film.  I didn't hate it but it could have been a whole lot more.  Give it a watch but dont have high expectations.

FYI:  Even more star power was supposed to be cast in this such as Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz, Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, and Michael B Jordan.


The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Have you ever seen any installment from the Mission Impossible series?  How about any of the James Bond movies?  Bourne movies?  If the answer is yes, to any of the aforementioned, than you have seen Man from UNCLE.  Why would you watch it you ask?  Well the best part of this movie and what may very well put it above the rest, is the fact it was directed by Guy Richie.  He is way ahead of his time and creates style, humor, action, and a flow that is incredible.  Not unlike the Oceans movies, or Snatch, this movie has some great story telling and character development that many movies these days seem to forget about.  Cavill is really good at playing a dapper, well rounded spy and its a change from seeing him as a beefy super character.  Hammer is the real star if you ask me.  He played the part like a fiddle and was great in every way.  Throw in some hot, sexy visual eye candy along with some not-so-over the top action, and success!  I am surprised this movie didn't get as much attention as it did but take it from this review, check it out ASAP!

FYI:  Matt Damon, Daniel Craig and Tom Cruise were all considered for the lead role!  Wow, Hollywood, you really went out on a limb with those guys!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

"Just another stupid indie film that insists upon itself!  Whatever kids, you don't know what life is even about yet and just die already stupid annoying girl with cancer!"  This was seriously a real review I read online when researching this film!  WTF is wrong with people!  If you don't have Will Smith, a superhero, or 50 explosions the viewer these days cant even relate and the worst part is, they are the majority of the voices.  I can just see in 40 years while watching the Oscars, "And the award for best picture goes to, Kill with Bombs, staring Justin Bieber".  The best part about that is that I will be dead, and I have been giving my kids a movie education since birth.  Anyway, on the the flick.  This movie rocked!  I loved it from start to finish, it was a perfect combo of comedy, drama, and life.  The conflicts seemed real for High School age and the premise was original and not so much of a focal point that it dwelled.  The only complaint I have is some of the scenes exhausted themselves a little and it wore out the novelty.  Acting was great but not excellent, but casting was awesome!  This is a hidden indie gem and should be watched immediately!

FYI:  This film was bought by FOX at Sundance for $12 million.  The largest buy in Sundance history!


The Program

If an athlete is doping and runs the fastest 100m dash ever, but no one is around to see it, did it really happen???  Okay, how about this one;  Once a cancer survivor recovers, can they start training and come back within a year to win the Tour de France 7 times in a row without any chemical enhancement (AKA Steroids)?  Hell No!!!  What the Fuck!  Okay, I will admit, I loved Lance.  I thought he was an American God on the bike.  I thought with a charity and as much as he gave back to the sport he was so entrenched in, there is no way he was a cheat.  Of course, with the repeat sound bites of him saying that he has never been tested positive, bla, bla, bla, he was a lock for man of the year, right.  Okay, so he is a damn cheat, and a liar, and a fraud, and a douche bag but man, what a great story!  Enter David Walsh, the reporter that was already infamous for kicking doping athletes to the curb, sunk his teeth into Lance.  Boom!  Story uncovered.  This was an awesome movie, a little made for TV feel, but really cool.  Haters said, "why make a movie about things you already know, stupid"!  Uhhhhh, ever see "The Titanic"???  Give this one a watch, great acting, awesome cast and a story that most of us dont know all about because, lets face it, who the fuck watches the Tour, other than to see Lance cross the finish line!?!?!

FYI:  Ben Foster said he took PED's in preparation for this role.
