Friday, May 13, 2016

Triple 9

Common questions before watching this film include, "What does triple 9 mean?"  "Why are they wearing red ninja suits on the poster?"  "Why is Casey Affleck such a better actor than Ben?"  All of your wildest questions are answered after watching this newly released flick.  So, I actually liked this movie but it had a lot of problems!  Such star power with no character development or story line.  This is a movie that after watching you think to yourself, "did they forget to write or include half of the script?"  Bad cops teaming up with criminals to rob banks in order to pay off one mans debt to a Russian mobster who happens to be the sister of his baby's momma.  You got all that right?  Throw in a rookie that seems to be the only good cop on the force, a slime ball, drug addict Woody Harrelson,  Daryll from The Walking Dead, the new Wonder Woman, and Jessie from Breaking Bad and BOOM, blockbuster, right?  Well not really.  This movie was like swiss cheese and must of had a budget of a billion dollars in order to get the star power, (it was actually $28 million).  Meh, is my final assessment of this film.  I didn't hate it but it could have been a whole lot more.  Give it a watch but dont have high expectations.

FYI:  Even more star power was supposed to be cast in this such as Chris Pine, Christoph Waltz, Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, and Michael B Jordan.


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