Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Point Break

Congratulations!  You have just won multiple awards Point Break Remake!  These are gold medals in the following categories.  And the award for Worst Script, Worst Editing, Worst Acting, Worst Casting, Worst Use of a Remake, Most Pointless Movie Ever Made, Most Ridiculous Extreme Sports Segments, Worst Scene Endings, Most Uncomfortable Love Scene, and Most Meaningless Story-line goes to, (drum roll please), Point Break Remake!!!!!  I watched this movie for free and if you haven't figured out how I feel about it by the previous comments, I still paid too much!  No depth, no character development, the line jumped all around, the dialogue was crap and the whole movie was the most horrendous thing to hit the theaters in 2015.  What a waste of time!  It is sort of the same story as Point Break Original, but strays and tries to make itself "Modern" and fails completely.  This is a warning rather than a review of to stay as far away from this movie as possible.

FYI:  Who Cares!!


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