Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

"Just another stupid indie film that insists upon itself!  Whatever kids, you don't know what life is even about yet and just die already stupid annoying girl with cancer!"  This was seriously a real review I read online when researching this film!  WTF is wrong with people!  If you don't have Will Smith, a superhero, or 50 explosions the viewer these days cant even relate and the worst part is, they are the majority of the voices.  I can just see in 40 years while watching the Oscars, "And the award for best picture goes to, Kill with Bombs, staring Justin Bieber".  The best part about that is that I will be dead, and I have been giving my kids a movie education since birth.  Anyway, on the the flick.  This movie rocked!  I loved it from start to finish, it was a perfect combo of comedy, drama, and life.  The conflicts seemed real for High School age and the premise was original and not so much of a focal point that it dwelled.  The only complaint I have is some of the scenes exhausted themselves a little and it wore out the novelty.  Acting was great but not excellent, but casting was awesome!  This is a hidden indie gem and should be watched immediately!

FYI:  This film was bought by FOX at Sundance for $12 million.  The largest buy in Sundance history!


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