Friday, May 13, 2016

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Have you ever seen any installment from the Mission Impossible series?  How about any of the James Bond movies?  Bourne movies?  If the answer is yes, to any of the aforementioned, than you have seen Man from UNCLE.  Why would you watch it you ask?  Well the best part of this movie and what may very well put it above the rest, is the fact it was directed by Guy Richie.  He is way ahead of his time and creates style, humor, action, and a flow that is incredible.  Not unlike the Oceans movies, or Snatch, this movie has some great story telling and character development that many movies these days seem to forget about.  Cavill is really good at playing a dapper, well rounded spy and its a change from seeing him as a beefy super character.  Hammer is the real star if you ask me.  He played the part like a fiddle and was great in every way.  Throw in some hot, sexy visual eye candy along with some not-so-over the top action, and success!  I am surprised this movie didn't get as much attention as it did but take it from this review, check it out ASAP!

FYI:  Matt Damon, Daniel Craig and Tom Cruise were all considered for the lead role!  Wow, Hollywood, you really went out on a limb with those guys!


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