Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Program

If an athlete is doping and runs the fastest 100m dash ever, but no one is around to see it, did it really happen???  Okay, how about this one;  Once a cancer survivor recovers, can they start training and come back within a year to win the Tour de France 7 times in a row without any chemical enhancement (AKA Steroids)?  Hell No!!!  What the Fuck!  Okay, I will admit, I loved Lance.  I thought he was an American God on the bike.  I thought with a charity and as much as he gave back to the sport he was so entrenched in, there is no way he was a cheat.  Of course, with the repeat sound bites of him saying that he has never been tested positive, bla, bla, bla, he was a lock for man of the year, right.  Okay, so he is a damn cheat, and a liar, and a fraud, and a douche bag but man, what a great story!  Enter David Walsh, the reporter that was already infamous for kicking doping athletes to the curb, sunk his teeth into Lance.  Boom!  Story uncovered.  This was an awesome movie, a little made for TV feel, but really cool.  Haters said, "why make a movie about things you already know, stupid"!  Uhhhhh, ever see "The Titanic"???  Give this one a watch, great acting, awesome cast and a story that most of us dont know all about because, lets face it, who the fuck watches the Tour, other than to see Lance cross the finish line!?!?!

FYI:  Ben Foster said he took PED's in preparation for this role.


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