Friday, May 13, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

Did you hear?  There is a new Marvel Super-Hero movie out!  It's the third installment of Captain America!  You know, the homo-erotic, spandex wearing, good ole boy from the 20's.  Well with this flick, begin his love affair with none other than Tony Stark.  If you ask me any movie that doesn't include Hulk or Thor is weak.  Not to mention, Vision, what good are you???  I am going to start off by saying WTF?!?!  The Earth's mightiest hero's are fighting each other over some crusty, metal armed dick wad who just recently tried to kill them all??  My biggest complaint is how pissed I got watching this.  I mean, c'mon guys, don't fight!!  That being said, I loved this movie!  By far the best installment of the C.A. series.  Awesome fight scenes, bad ass new characters, witty remarks, Stan Lee (again), the story line could have used a little work but I was really impressed!  Now, to get down to the bones, Spiderman and Ant-Man stole the show!!!  These guys were really only in the movie for about 15 minutes but were absolutely awesome!  I was upset that Andrew Garfield wasn't cast (yes, I said it cause I like him) but the new Spidey seems really good, and a little more like the naive high school kid from the comics.  This is a must see and will likely see it again and again!

FYI:  Downey Jr./Iron Man was almost completely written out of the script due to wanting more screen time and more money.  They made the right decision!!


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