Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hardcore Henry

If you haven't heard of this movie, your in for a big surprise!  Also, if you hate the shaky camera thing, with viewer perspective, you will hate every second of this movie.  I promise.  Mainly because the entire film is shot in first person where the viewer sees out of the eyes of the main character.  If you ask me it was ground breaking and unique and was really cool!  They didn't half ass on the action or fight sequences or the shooting and blowing up.  It is like a live version of the first person shooter video games with a good twist and story.  There are only a few things I didn't understand like how the main bad guy had some sort of power.  Basically, you (the main character) wakes up from a come in some sort of a lab where his wife has just brought him back to life.  Although he is half robot, he can kick some serious ass!  5 Seconds later, he is hunted and that goes on for the next 72 minutes.  There are some incredible stunts and camera action and to make the story even better, in comes Sharlto Copley (dud from District 9).  He is awesome in everything!  I watched a really bad version of this that was more than likely recorded from a theater somewhere and still loved it.  Trust me, give this one a try and keep an open mind, its very cool.

FYI:  The director of this film did many of Henry's stunts!


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