Monday, April 4, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane

Well here we are reviewing yet another film with the word Cloverfield in the name.  Is it just me or are there far to many words in the English language to have "Cloverfield" used multiple times in Hollywood?  This movie had the hype, the high hopes, and the actors but damn it, if it didn't fall short at the end like so many other movies!  This movie would have been at the top of my list for awesome success stories if it would have changed the last 15 minutes.  I am going back to my good ole stand by rating system of, "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"!  Here we go, The Good-John Goodman, is there any part he cant play?  Seriously he made this movie and played the quirky, creepo like a champ.  Also, the first hour and 15 minutes were intriguing, mysterious, and tense.  The Bad-(SPOILER) Alien Monsters???  Extremely easy to kill?  What?  (yes I know it is in correlation with the original Cloverfield movie)  The Ugly-I can understand how a lot of people may have aspirations to be survivalists in life, but with no back story on the main girl it seemed a little far fetched that she became the G.I. Jane of the show.  All in all it was a pretty good flick and would consider watching it again just for the fact the story before the end was so good.  I would have rather the ending be that the dude was just a psychopath and wanted to trap some people in a basement.

FYI:  Bradley Cooper is the boyfriends voice in this movie.



  1. Very intriguing! I'm going to check it out and I bet I'll like it! Good review! I kinda just want to watch it to see John Goodman play the creepo!

    1. Definitely worth the watch. You will like it!

  2. I missed this one in the theater while I was out of the country. I'm going to catch it on Vudu in the next few I hope.
