Wednesday, April 27, 2016

13 Cameras

Just look at the poster for God's sake!  How can you not instantly want to watch this flick after seeing this crazed freak munch down on some duct tape!?!  And believe me, this guy is a freak!  He has some sort of body defect but is ripped as hell for an old man, its weird to even look at.  The movie, a low budget, fatal attraction, creep out movie was fun and kept you wanting more but fell very short on the "good" movie scale.  The story unfolds like this; young couple expecting their first child rents a house from weirdo, introverted, slumlord (see picture above).  What they don't know is he is the ultimate peeping tom with hidden cameras in all the right places.  So he glues himself in front of the tube for some nocturnal activities while watching the young couple do just about everything.  The twist?  Well, young Ward Cleaver is boneing his assistant, which turns into a fatal attraction thing of course.  Once caught, the old creep decides to take matters into his own hands, and that's when things get going!  I liked the movie, if anything for the landlord, and the chicks are pretty hot.  There are some disturbing parts and most of the movie is just tension but worth a good watch on a rainy day.

FYI:  Over 300 million people were victims of camera surveillance last year.  Are you?


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