Monday, April 4, 2016

They're Watching

Wait, who is watching?  Apparently no one is watching this film.  IMDB didn't even post the opening weekend numbers they were so low!  I, on the other hand, liked it.  A lot!  The concept was good, not all that original but fresh with a nice old time foreign sort of feel to it.  They threw some twists that were comical and exciting into the story that helped.  As for the acting, meh, but then again it is a horror movie so no high expectations here.  The best part, Mia Faith is in it, and she may quite possibly be the hottest girl ever! The story is based on a "flip this house" type of show that goes abroad to show a couple buying a real fixer upper in an Eastern European village.  This is the follow up visit to show the viewers how it looked and is all from the view of the crew.  Well the legend is this small village had a real live witch burning a few years back and what do you know, she is back!  The entire movie was great until the end which ruined the whole thing.  It wasn't the story but the God awful special effects that should have been left out.  A movie like this needs to take some lessons from the Paranormal Activity movies with the whole less is more concept.  I would give it a shot, it was enjoyable and campy all at the same time.

FYI:  There are parts of Europe where the people still believe in Witches.


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