Monday, March 28, 2016

Batman vs Superman

In the making for nearly 10 years, we are finally introduced to the epic battle between two of the most iconic superheros in history.  To all of the critics out there psychoanalyzing and tearing this movie apart saying it is sloppy, worthless, lazy and terrible, Fuck You!  This movie kicked ass!  I have always loved Batman, I read many of his comics when I was a kid and Superman has always been the top of the comic universe.  Well in this movie, they fight.  They disagree on almost everything and take to the streets with a little nudge from Lex Luther.  Critics, they hated it.  They keep asking the questions of why and how?  I would like to ask them, "have you ever read any of the comics?"  There are many versions of each of these characters, some darker and in more depth than the others.  Zac Snyder took some of the best elements from their history and made it into a perfectly casted movie.  Yes, I said it, Affleck was awesome!  He also played the version of Batman who was a stone cold killer.  Superman was the version of a disappointed alien who has given everything for us asshole humans, and sure enough we don't appreciate it.  Then enter Wonder Woman!  First off she is super hot!  Second, her small part that was more of an Easter Egg for the Justice League was grandiose!  Third, she is super hot!  We get to see and hear many other teasers such as Aqua-man, and the Flash as well as the aftermath demise of Robin.  So much to spoil so I better end here.  If you have had any interest in comic book characters ever, go see this movie with an open mind and remember it is about fictional characters.  You should love it!

FYI:  Affleck ran into Christian Bale at a store and asked him what advice he can give him for playing Batman and Bale said, "make sure you can pee in the suit."


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