Friday, March 18, 2016

August Underground

This wont be so much of a review as it will be a warning not to watch.  This is only the second time I have done this, (first one being A Serbian Film).  This is a sick twisted and disgusting movie that believe it or not is a damn trilogy!  I watched the first two out of pure curiosity and couldn't stomach another round.  Here is the paper thin plot; found footage film of three 20's something psychopaths who have a hobby of kidnapping practically anyone they want and torturing them in a disgusting smelly basement.  The reality of the footage is beyond real and gives you a gut wrenching feeling that you cant take your eyes off of.  It is a movie that you cant un-see and makes you think this shit actually happens!  They are over the top with their torture antics and I cant even begin to rate the worst.  Could be the decapitated baby in the trash can, or the necrophilia with a young girl, or maybe the scene where they make a bound victim locked in a coffin cut off his own penis.  Yep, all of these things are just the tip of the iceberg.  You can only guess how bad these vile people smell, how the hell they met each other?!?  Anyway, I have already given this movie too much of my time.  If you like human feces, vomit, lots of blood, incest, necrophilia, torture, and uneducated idiots this is the one for you!

FYI:  This movie had an estimated $300 budget.

* (only for shock value)

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