Friday, March 18, 2016


Bam!  Right in your face!  This movie has changed the standard for comic book films forever (I think).  First off, Ryan Reynolds was the perfect cast for this movie, weather it was him under the mask half the time or not.  If was basically Van Wilder as a super hero, and it worked, perfectly.  There was plenty of talk about it not being tame enough for kids, and a little thin on the story line, but who cares, it worked, perfectly.  I walked out of the theater thinking it might be my favorite superhero movie, right up there with Dark Knight, and Guardians of the Galaxy.  Basically, we have a dude who discovers he has all types of cancer eating his major organs so he takes a desperate offer to help his condition.  He basically gets tortured for a while and turned into a super assassin.  He isn't quite a good guy, and not really a bad guy, as a matter of fact he doesn't really care about much other than revenge, shit talking, and his girl.  The one liners are outstanding and the hidden Easter Eggs are great throughout.  I would highly recommend this movie and be prepared to laugh, a lot!

FYI:  The suit had to be altered and the muscle skin taken out due to the fact that Reynolds was so muscular, it didn't fit!


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