Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Boy

What's the matter kid?  Mommy and Daddy not show you enough attention when you were young?  Boo-hoo!  Hey, I have a great idea!  Lets enable the little shit until he gets everything he needs and turns into a selfish, pretentious little brat!  Oh, wait.  You're a Doll???  A fucking doll?  Bwaahahahaha!  Sure, ill take thousands of dollars a week to nanny for this thing.  Well, just when you thought Maggie from The Walking Dead was out of harms way, here comes, "The Boy!"  English couple hire her to nanny their "son".  Nanny finds out its a doll.  Doll may or may not be real.  Throw in a past abusive relationship and a bit of a love story and you have the ever so familiar movie formula used here yet again.  I loved it!  A bit predictable, but keeps you on your toes a little.  I actually liked the abusive boyfriend part of the story and the creepy doll was awesome.  Oh, and not to mention Maggie is super hot when not covered in Zombie guts!  Definitely watch this movie, its worth it even if your not a huge horror fan.

FYI:  The doll had to be repaired many times during filming due to the cast using it for pranks.



  1. I really liked this one too. Definitely better than the 28 tomatoes that it currently has.

  2. I really liked this one too. Definitely better than the 28 tomatoes that it currently has.
