Friday, September 2, 2016

Don't Breathe

If you are casing an old mans house to rob, who is blind by the way, 9 times out of 10 you are likely to pull it off without a problem.  Although, there is that one time where the old blind guy is a jacked, super soldier with a crazy set of fighting skills!  Then, basically you are screwed!  There were a number of thrillers that came out this summer, most highly disappointing, but this flick was pretty awesome!  The premise is 3 kids are wisely choosing homes to rob staying away from cash and selling the loot to a third party.  They get word that an old man who lives in the last house of an abandoned neighborhood has hundreds of thousands of dollars hidden from a settlement he received.  What could go wrong?  Pretty much everything.  Great suspense, good story line and very tense especially making the man blind.  I would have liked to see a different casting choice in the main character but he did play the part well.  The story takes an unexpected twist and really brings the audience back into the excited state.  Yes, there are some obvious holes in this plot but works fine for me.  I would highly recommend this in the theater, and don't forget to breathe!

FYI:  The blind man only has 13 lines in the entire movie.



  1. We saw this last Thursday and really liked it. We had been waiting for it since we saw the trailer before Lights Out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aly and I went and she said they couldn't have made it any better. It was a good surprise with a weird/gross/awesome ending. Lights out was a turd I thought, you?
