Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Battle Royal

Well here is an oldie but goodie!  Now available to stream on Netflix, its the original kid killing movie!  Ahhh, the Japanese overacting, the highly stereotypical school-girl outfits, the super fake red blood, this film has all the makings of the low budget cult classic hit it has grown to be.  I am pretty sure every film that has kids hunting each other is a rip off of this one, (Hunger Games, Maze Runner, The Selected).  Japanese culture has implemented a "Battle Royal" law for the society of its children.  They have become completely disrespectful to the adults and once they cross the line too many times, boom!  They get shipped off to an island with sensors around their neck and forced to kill each other.  Only one can survive and the resident history teacher is at the helm!  Great acting, sort of, but makes you think of watching a live Japanese Animation feature.  Give this one a shot, disturbing when you think of the plot, but trust me, you wont even care.  Its a good time and fun to watch, not to mention you will be able to tell the movie nerds that you have seen it.

FYI:  Over 800 students auditioned for the school kid parts in this movie.



  1. Definitely a must watch. I own the blu-ray boxed set with the original and the sequel. The sequel isn't quite as satisfying as the original if you ask me, but still worth a look if you haven't seen it.

  2. I havent seen the sequel but from what I have heard it is terrible (which is subjective, since the original is pretty terrible as well)
    Thanks for reading and commenting!
