Friday, September 9, 2016


Who would you rather go see in concert?  A group of grungy, S&M looking, horror mask wearing psycho death metal addicts in a band like Slipknot, or Frank (pictured above).  Yes, that is Frank, mask and all.  As a matter of fact he never takes it off, ever.  Here is the story of Frank:  He is a genius songwriter in a band made up of his hand picked misfits.  After meeting an aspiring young musician (with a credit card) they decide to take a retreat and record the greatest album ever made.  Well, Frank is very eccentric and the newcomer has a hard time getting over his antics and his head.  They end up getting invited to SXSW and the unstable Frank has a hard time dealing with the new recognition.  This is a sweet hidden gem on Netflix and should be watched immediately.  It is a great combination of humor, catchy music, drama and an underlining story of overcoming your own personal demons.  The fact that Fassbender plays Frank is awesome, especially since he is one of the greatest actors of our time.  There is a lot of depth to this flick and with songs that are extremely catchy and about nothing, it puts you at ease watching.  You will want to watch it again.

FYI:  Based on the iconic Frank Sidebottom (Chris Sievey)


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this movie! It's a little weird but a lot of independent films are. It's a bit depressing so that's right up my alley. Great characters in this film!
