Friday, September 9, 2016


It's just around the corner, the greatest holiday ever.  Halloween!  Why not start watching some Devils Night themed movies, and with a cover like this, how can you pass it up?!  I know, it may look like your average throw away low budget horror flick, especially with a tag line of "The are not here for candy."  But, well, it is a low budget, campy horror flick but extremely stylish and has a nice flow that keeps confusing the viewer (on purpose).  My take on this pro-life propaganda flick is the undertones are extreme in symbolizing abortion, un-wed pregnancy, and teenage shenanigans!  Basically, this super hot blonde teen finds out she is prego from her dirt bag boyfriend on Halloween.  A little down in the dumps, she stays home while her family goes out trick or treating.  Now she has to survive the night from some deranged candy grabbers who begin to terrorize her.  Little Hellions!  The acting is just OK, and the story is nothing really new but the stylized cinematography was really cool and had a bit of a dream like theme.  If you like these type of movies you will enjoy this messy little movie.

FYI:  A lot of the movie was shot with an infrared lens.


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