Friday, September 9, 2016

The Veil

So, think of the scariest, most horrifying place imaginable.  Throw in a creepy, haunted past with mass murders and religious sacrifice.  Now accept an invitation from a bunch of strangers who want to film you and go there and hang out.  If you thought that sounded like a good idea then this movie is for you and you are my friend!  There have been a number of movies inspired by the Jonestown Mass Suicide, some much better than others.  This is one of those but with a bit of a twist.  A group of film makers inspired by events that happened at a commune 25 years ago track down the only survivor of the cult like community. They document her remembrances at the very farm this all happened when she was a little girl.  Once there, as you can imagine, strange things start to happen.  Its a cross between a ghost/supernatural story, and a mystery/thriller that is carried by the great Thomas Jane.  He plays the cult leader and knocks it out of the park!  Of course there is Jessica Alba, who could watch paint dry and I would still watch her all day.  The story is good and has a cool timeline with events that bring everything together at the end.  Good watch and worth checking out.

FYI:  An entire reel of film went missing during post production and they had to re shoot a number of scenes.  Ghosts???


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