Friday, September 9, 2016

Hector and the Search for Happiness

Who the hell is happy!?  The minute you actually feel happiness you think of all the bad in your life and boom!  Its gone!  Happiness is overrated, grumpy old men live longer because they hate!  And I hate happy people!  I hate everything and am constantly pissed off!  Get off my lawn!  This is what my wife hears when I talk.  Its a loose translation of me actually saying something like, "this pizza is pretty good even though I have had better."  Well Hector, played perfectly by Simon Pegg is a psychiatrist who is not grumpy, not happy just kind of there.  He is a little bit miserable even though he has a pretty good, but boring life.  He decides to take a journey and research what makes people happy.  He sets out on his travels around the world meeting interesting people and have an incredible adventure.  It is a little Walter Mitty, and Forest Gump type of story telling but honestly this movie was outstanding!  The characters are very well developed and there is so much scene and section changes that you are kept interested the entire time.  It is a feel good movie and has a great meaning to the world we live in that will help you to understand some of your thoughts of wanting more.  This is a must watch and will leave you with a smile.

FYI:  Dan Mangan, the composer of most of the soundtrack is in this movie in a number of scenes.


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