Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Neighbor

C'mon, I know you have done it.  Everyone spy's on their neighbors every now and then.  Maybe your looking for dirt because they pissed you off.  Maybe you want to see inside their house, or maybe your looking for the gratuitous tit shot???  Well let this be a warning to you all, knock it off!  This movie may just be your survival guide to having the creepy neighbor next door.  Talk about a diamond in the rough!  I fell upon this movie by sheer dumb luck never having heard of it before and was extremely impressed!  Drug runners (and young lovers) live in a small farm house out in the middle of nowhere having just one neighbor a ways down the road.  While the man is hard at work, running drugs of course, the little lady has all day in the house to spy on the creepo next door (eloquently played by Bill Engvall).  Well she stumbles upon a for your eyes only sort of shit, and you can only imagine what happens here.  This is an intense, stressful, thriller that has a great story, back story and somewhat predictable twist at the end.  I absolutely loved this movie and would highly recommend it to everyone but my wife who will be staring at her phone the entire time due to the tension.

FYI:  1 in 3 neighbors in the world has a dark secret.  Which one are you?!?!?



  1. This one sounds awesome, definitely need to check it out.

  2. This one sounds awesome, definitely need to check it out.

  3. I think you will love it! I found it on 123movies.to
