Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Dear Mr. Zombie, you are one sick twisted son-of-a-bitch!  I think your warped sense of humor and gratuitous use of gore is utterly disgusting!  Your character development may work in most of your films, but the over use of these washed up, haggy, has-beens is truly appalling!  The portrayal of the filthy, raw, repugnant settings are enough to make your skin crawl and I feel like taking a scolding hot shower after ever film!  I should have recognized the red flag after listening you your music in High School, but now that my stomach is weaker, I truly understand the undertones of your film making.  In short, you are disgusting and I love everything about your movies!  Keep em coming please!

This was just written for all of those haters of Rob Zombies movies out there.  What did you expect?!?!  Of all his movies this one fell a little short.  The dialogue was kind of thrown together with no editing and I feel like they cut some crucial scenes.  Understandable since this was taken over by a new studio after the first one went bankrupt and was highly fan funded.  Otherwise it was awesome!  Great story, awesome blood and gore, fun characters and Sherri Moon is still hot as ever.  Find this and watch it if you are a fan, you will have fun throughout and love the killer clowns!

FYI:  Some fans who helped fund this movie played henchmen in the "Murderworld" setting.


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