Monday, October 3, 2016

We Are Your Friends

Can a DJ save the world?  I believe the writers of this movie believe just that.  With the power of highly repetitious electronic beats, anything is possible!!!  But wait, there is more!  Just take a glance above and try to stay dry, its Efron at the helm!  Okay, so this typical Hollywood production did it again with mass marketing, popular teen heart-throb, a niche music scene, and a hidden secret title that is actually a rip off from a song title.  Well I will be honest with you, I am pretty sure I would date Efron, and I am a straight dude!  Enough with the bashing, I was actually into this throw away film.  I thought the story was intriguing and I love electronic dance music.  I am certainly not going to hipster out and say, "oh hell no, that isn't even the way DJ's spin Bra!"  It is pretty dry and empty but worth a good watch to chill out to.  Efron has come a long way and I think is pretty awesome.  I remember taking my daughter to see him as a High School Goodie in the theater long ago, but now he is pretty bad ass.

FYI:  The fourth worst depute from a film released in over 2000 theaters.  $758 average!


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