Friday, August 5, 2016

Into the Forest

What is the longest you have gone without power?  I personally have gone a gut wrenching 2 days during a storm in Nebraska.  The worst part, no TV!!!  Oh, and the fact that most of the food spoiled.  Well imagine if the power went out in the whole world for over a year, or for ever!  That exact scenario just so happens to these two winey spoiled brats, and guess what, the world sneaks up on them!  First off, they live so far outside of any town that they are late to the show on preparation and have to rely on their survival skills, which is basically none unless you factor in that they are complete brainiacs.  Shit gets a little real when the worst happens and survival is extreme.  Actually a pretty good movie, some slow and meaningless parts but pretty intense.  If you don't already know, you will get a good look at Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood, topless!  Page is gross if you ask me but boobs are boobs, right?  Give this one a shot, it really dives into the emotions of our society and how man reacts when thrown into an unfamiliar situation.

FYI:  This movie crushed it on opening weekend with just over a whopping $6k!


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