Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lights Out

Well, the previews were good anyway.  I almost stopped the entire review after that first sentence but figured I have always been long winded when talking about movies, why stop now?  I LOVE horror movies, all types.  Thrillers, Slasher, Supernatural, B-Rated, you name it.  So I am a little bias when it comes to that genre but I am still honest.  We have our main ingredients for this Hollywood Blockbuster of a scary movie.  1. Bat-Shit crazy Mom with some deep secrets and psychotic demeanor.  2. Hot Daughter who is rebellious and has Daddy issues.  3. Creepy, shadowy, un-killable gargling monster with only one vice, light.  Boom, there you have it, a recipe for success in the cinematic world of today!  What was wrong you ask?  Well here are a few thoughts from me:  Pretty loose and kind of dumb story.  Rushed and wanted to be a less smart version of "The Ring".  No reason as to why anything was happening.  Oh, and not scary.  There were a few good points for potential, and the monster, ghost, thing was pretty vicious.  Also, this is probably the hottest I have ever seen Teresa Palmer, usually she looks like a homeless crack addict.  I would watch it to get your curious scare fix but don't spend more than a dollar.  You will be disappointed, which is why I cant figure out why the reviews are mostly really good?!?!

FYI:  A sequel was immediately green lit after this movie with a $5 million budget made 4 times that on the opening weekend!


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