Tuesday, August 23, 2016


There aren't many times where you read a book, then watch the movie and think, "Wow, I really liked the movie better than the book!"  Well, this is not one of those times!  If you haven't seen this movie yet I really don't know what my advice would be.  I read the book first and was pretty disappointed in the adaptation, but if I would have watched the movie first it would have spoiled a lot of the great tense scenes written out in the book.  All in all I really wasn't to upset with the movie, but they were not very detailed and almost completely changed most of the second half.  If your going to take a very well written book where every little detail matters, you better get it right and include it on the screen.  Just to give you a recap; Mom and son are held captive in a locked "room".  It comes out later that she was abducted by a sick, piece of shit, rapist 7 years ago and now has a 5 year old son who knows nothing of the outside world but this room.  Mom, creates a whole world with routine, chores, exercise, and learning for this poor kid but when they come up with a plan to escape, that is when even more fear and adventure come into play.  This is a great story and will give you a lump in your throat if your human.  Definitely give this a shot, but I would highly recommend reading the book as it gives you so much more.

FYI:  Old Nick which is the nickname for the kidnapper is also another name for the Devil in old world Christianity


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