Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Purge-Election Year

With election time right around the corner, I though it would be appropriate to discuss where our great country could be headed.  No, I'm not making a political statement here, we are screwed either way!  Okay, just kidding, I certainly don't want a riot started on account of a movie review site!  Well if you thought this series was dead, you were so wrong!  These just keep getting better!  After watching the first installment I really thought it was wasted ideas and fell short.  Then they almost mixed the original idea with hints of "The Warriors" to make two more extremely satisfying films.  The premise of the 3rd, if you cant tell is it is election time, and one of the front runners is trying to abolish the Purge.  Well the fat cats and conservatives don't like this and will stop at nothing to end her reign.  Great characters, good tense scenes, and Elizabeth Mitchell is super hot!  Frank Grillo doesn't get near the credit he should for being an action star and Bubba is just your common, cool city folk.  Give this one a shot, it is really neck and neck with the second but much better than the first.

FYI:  Only one character appeared in all three movies.


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