Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Shallows

Did anyone over the age of 20 see the previews for this movie and really want to go see it?  If the answer is yes, here is question #2.  What if Blake Lively wasnt in it?  I am pretty sure the selling point of this movie was for pre teens who love sharks, or middle age men fantasizing about lively in a bikini for 2 hours!  I may be wrong and if so, sorry you sent the cash.  The movie, here is what you need to know.  Hot chick goes surfing alone at a secluded beach in a country she barely knows.  Hot chick stays out just a little to long.  Hot chick becomes stranded on a rock a few hundred yards from the beach because a giant, psycho, killer shark is stalking her.  Sound familiar?  That is probably because the same premise is used in about 30 other movies.  It was actually tense in many parts and had some good action, unfortunately there were way too many scenes that were cringe worthy.  Here are a few to spoil the fun.  The stitching scene, really?  The shark slayer scene, c'mon!  Overall it was just okay.  I would definitely watch it for free somewhere but like I mentioned before, at least Lively was in it!

FYI:  This film was voted the best liked script that was never made before the movie was released


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