Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Suicide Squad

Drum roll please!  The most talked about movie in a very long time, now on my review site!  Strap in, get ready to comment, argue, yell, agree, whatever!  Here we go!

The best thing that could have happened for me before watching this movie was reading about 2000 terrible and destroying reviews of how ridiculous and awful this movie was.  My expectations were quite low and I actually considered not going.  Well you all know me and to skip a movie of any sort would mean I was dead!  I have to start by saying I really don't understand the bad ratings, first off its a movie based on a comic book that none of you suckers have ever even read.  Also, it has to squeeze multiple complex characters within a few hours or everyone would bitch about it being to long.  Did I mention it was based on a comic book?!?!?  I have decided to break this review down into the good and the bad:

The good:  Awesome soundtrack, Harley Quinn's lines were great and she is so hot!  Dead shot was a great pick for the unofficial leader and was the glue.  El Diablo was likely the best character, his story was amazing and he should have his own standalone movie.  The character development was great and a perfect way to start the movie.  The Joker played that particular Joker role really well but didn't really need to be in the movie at all.

The bad:  Crock?  Unnecessary.  Slip Knot?  Who?  Was he even in this movie?  Needed a lot more of a backstory on the enemy, the ghosts brother, and why they were there in the first place.  Seemed like the whole movie was built up for a sequel.  Dead Shot was great, but I wish he was more like a bad guy instead of the "Will Smith" with a big heart.  Could have been a 5 hour movie and been better.  Might have been better as an HBO series?

Overall it was outstanding!  The biggest complaint from viewers was the plot confusion.  Not sure what the confusion was.  Aliens once again came to kill humans so the CIA grabbed the bad ass villains to stop them.  If they fail, who cares, no wanted lives mattered.  If they win, it stays under wraps.  Give this a shot and don't listen to the haters, if you are a true movie fan, you will keep in mind that this was just another comic book movie that should be fun!

FYI:  Tom Hardy was originally cast as Rick Flag but dropped out.  He played Bane who was an original member of the Suicide Squad in the comics.



  1. I also had zero expectations for this flick and really enjoyed it despite the bad reviews. Harley Quinn stole the show for me and like you said the Joker was bad ass but he was in th me movie for like 10 minutes. And I agree the bad guys (sister & brother, especially brother) were lame. Would love to see an El Diablo side movie, he was cool.

    1. Absolutely! I just really wanted to understand the Bro/Sis thing a little more. Maybe make them a tad more invincible so these guys have to actually come up with a plan to destroy other than just hit with a bat! HQ is just so hot! :)

  2. I feel pretty much the same as you on this one. I also enjoyed BvS. I can see why some don't like them, but they were fine for me.

    1. Well put! Ben was a pretty damn good Batman, and I think people forget these are based on COMIC BOOKS, the shit aint real yo!

  3. We enjoyed it too and thought Harley stole the show as well. The Witch was the worst character,but all in all pretty solid. I enjoyed BvS as well, it did take a while to get going, but still pretty cool.

  4. Agree! I actually walked out of BvS thinking I just watched the best Batman to date, but might have been hypnotized by the Hollywood charm. I would pay to see SS again and looking forward to a sequel.
