Friday, August 5, 2016

A Hologram for the King

Ah sales!  In every form, every product, every environment, sales is sales.  You have to put on your poker face, kiss some ass, be liked but not to liked, look cool, but not to cool, have swagger but just enough to show confidence that is just enough.  Have all the right tools in your bag, use them accordingly, know your audience, and believe in your product.  If you do all of these things, play your cards right and the stars align, you will get your ass kicked by the Chinese, selling the same thing for less money and faster turn around times!!!  Well this underappreciated movie which received mediocre reviews and was pretty much swept under the rug was a breath of fresh air.  The style of it was great and Hanks rarely lets you down.  The story was based on a book that I cant help but think is a rip off from Death of a Salesman.  Hanks is a somewhat failed business man who is sent to Saudi to sell a new IT technology to the King.  Along the way he begins to find himself and figure his lost way in life.  Flashbacks of his failed past and his dreamlike sequences are great.  The only complaint I have on this one is the ending was so rushed I felt like they either ran out of money or just go bored.  It is a little of a Walter Mitty type and definitely worth the watch!

FYI:  Actually filmed in Morocco


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