Tuesday, August 23, 2016


When I think good ole fashion family film, I go directly to the Nazi, Skinhead, Klan section and bask in the narrow-mindedness of the ignorant in breads of Western Civilization!  Talk about a good night on the couch with popcorn.  Once again Daniel Radcliffe surprises me and rocks another role (the last being Horns).  He plays the real life undercover FBI agent who goes deep in order to uncover an extremist group with "big plans" to help cleanse the world.  Although he runs into a few road blocks along the way, he finally gets his man.  This movie was pretty tense and ended up being a great sleeper.  There were some problems don't get me wrong, such as Collette being a little to chompie with the gum and a little cheesy with the role.  Also, some of the skinheads were a little to quick to walk away but really these were minor in comparison to the rest of the film.  I would love to read up on this and find out the true story but it might make me cringe.  Can you believe we still have hate groups in America?  Good God people, watch the Olympics or something!

FYI:  The actors and crew members would use a bicycle to go between downtown and the studio set up.


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