Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Invitation

Thank you Netflix, for letting us stream this film!  Anyone who is a true fan of real film and can appreciate things like mystery, implied subject notions, irony, and tense emotion will absolutely love The Invitation.  This is a hard review because I don't want to give away any part but I will give you the vague overview of the plot.  Young couples are invited to a dinner party with other friends the hosts have all shared.  The first twist is that the party is hosted by the ex wife of a guest in which they share the horrible past of losing a son together, and the party is at their old house.  The ex husband has clearly not gotten over the past and it starts to show the longer he is in his old environment.  He begins to get suspicious, unstable and paranoid causing the party to become extremely uncomfortable.  There is a sense of evil and deceit in the air, or is it him just going crazy?  The direction of this is amazing and having good acting along with great dialogue makes it even better.  It may seem a little slow at times but if you get into it, you will understand what the film maker is trying to do, and works brilliantly!  Definitely watch this movie!

FYI:  This film was only released in a few select theaters with complete creative control given to the writers and directors.


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