Friday, July 8, 2016


May have been cooler titled "Pirates", or maybe even "Raiders"?  At least that way people could have pronounced the name that means the same thing.  (I think)?  I thought we had the formula for a Hollywood blockbuster here.  Scary masks on the bank robbers, check!  Inner city movie about bank robberies involving the FBI, check!  Bruce Willis, Check!  Wait what happened?  I think I can give you a clue.  Terrible acting, followed by a rare version of the exact same plot as many other movies made in the last few years, followed by more bad acting, and to top it off Adrian Grenier!  Oh, if you didn't notice from the poster, Dave Batista is in this!  He is actually pretty cool, and huge!  I like Meloni but was a little overacted in this, he is better in comedy where he tries to play a bad ass but gets made fun of.  And how can we forget old Bruce?  He takes some really stupid roles and in this one is as dramatic as can be.  Basically its about a ban of "Marauders" who have an agenda to rob banks owned by one man in order to expose his involvement with a not so ethical military operation.  Throw in a gay political scandal, a cop who has a wife dying of cancer, and a so called twist with lots of slow motion and you got it.  It was in my opinion Triple 9 part 2 1/2.  Worth a watch on a lonely night but that is as far as I will take it.

FYI:  Ahhhhhh, I got nothin.


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