Friday, July 8, 2016

Money Monster

Ahhhh, greed!  It's a wonderful thing!  Especially when you throw in media attention, firearms, stock market scandals, and sob stories.  Oh, wait I think I was just describing America.  Anyway, here we have a not so unique story of a down on his luck guy who takes extreme matters into his own hands for the world to see.  He listened to blabbing finance idiot on TV which we all know too well, looses his savings, and holds up the host in order to find the bigger fish.  All the while, the world is watching the live telecast.  As always, they form an improbable bond, and go after the real bad guy instead.  Oh, and its all on live TV, in New York City.  Sounds far fetched, but hey its a movie.  I really liked it.  It was entertaining and Clooney plays a good douche.  The best part of the film was when the bad guy has a live conference call with his pregnant girlfriend as the cops think this will help.  She destroys him in front of everyone by basically taking his manhood and stuffing it in her purse.  What does Clooney say about all of this?  Don't worry about it man, we have all been there.  Ain't that the damn truth!  Good suspense, good action, and great dialogue.  Definitely worth a watch and from Jodie Foster as a director, she did great.

FYI:  Easter Egg:  One of the reporters speaking at the end is named Terry Benedict! (if you don't know I wont explain it)


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