Friday, July 8, 2016


Could have been titled "Shut UP!  But I like Hush better.  So, Pop Quiz hot shot!  What do you do if you are in a remote cabin all alone, you have had some wine, and a masked killer shows up at your door with weapons such as a cross-bow?  Oh, and by the way, you are deaf as a door-nail!  You try to escape of course?  Nope, not in this situation.  Ole boy killer is way to smart, fast and hearing privileged for that!  Well you can use your resources to negotiate, turn off all the lights, maybe even try to make a weapon.  Or, just channel your inner MMA Fighter and start kicking some ass!  This was a pretty decent find on Netflix simply because horror films don't usually have a lot of context or plot but due to the  girl being deaf, its a good thriller.  The old cat and mouse technique is always a good way to make your movie better as long as it doesn't drag on.  Not a lot of substance here and the acting is sub par but I would recommend.  I even made my wife sit through it and she gave it a bit of approval by not looking at her phone 100% of the time.

FYI:  Has less than 15 minutes of dialogue.


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