Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Ones Below

I once had a guy say to me that I had it easy because of my, "perfect life, perfect wife, perfect kids, perfect house!"  I just laughed and though, mission accomplished, he has no idea what a shit show my life really is!  Well take that same mentality and throw it into a creep neighbor couple.  We all know the type, a little off and hard not to feel uncomfortable around.  Well they live in the flat below this naive couple who happens to have the wrong neighbors.  The creeps below play the part of the happy couple, but there are some deep seeded entities there.  The dude is played by none other than, "The Governor!"  This is a slow moving tale that creeps up on you but keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next.  It is really a hidden gem on Netflix and is highly underrated.  There are some predictable parts and you will likely call the ending but worth a watch.  If you happen to be pregnant, you should definitely watch this movie, then have sweet dreams!

FYI:  While filming this movie, they used 7 different cats for a total screen time of 38 seconds.


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