Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Bleed For This

Who the hell wants to watch another boxing movie?  Well, I do of course!  IMO, they cant make enough boxing and football movies, especially ones like this that are based on true stories.  This movie was so interesting that after dragging my wife to the theater, she fell asleep within 20 minutes.  Pretty sure she had to much wine at dinner.  I enjoyed this movie as Miles Teller is awesome and got jacked for the role, but there were so many things wrong with this flick!  First off it is definitely not in the top 5 greatest boxing movies of all time, (Raging Bull, The Fighter, Rocky, Cinderella Man, Southpaw).  I think the direction and low budget of only $6 Million was a major factor.  The acting was excellent but they forgot to develop the characters so that you would even care about them.  The story itself was inspiring and so awesome that it was almost unbelievable but it stretched with unnecessary drama.  They should have taken a page out of Stallone's play book and added some higher than life training sequences.  Overall this was a good movie but probably one for the couch with a beer.  Oh, I forgot to mention what the movie was about.  Boxer, Vinny Pazienza, you've probably never heard of him, gets into a car accident and breaks his neck, and his boxing career, but not his spirit!  He trains to come back from a life altering injury to go on and become two separate weight class champions.  No biggie.

FYI:  Teller was trained by famous boxing trainer who has worked with Sugar Ray and Holyfield.


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